
Does your family gravitate to one twin?

It totally pisses me off.  DH's family is all fighting and gooing over my daughter and my family loves to favor my son. I just don't get it. 

Re: Does your family gravitate to one twin?

  • My SIL favors Logan over Dylan and my other DS favors Dylan over Logan. I don't know what the big deal is with either of them besides them being so cute Wink
  • Yes they favor Kate over Ben and it makes me soooo angry.
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  • FloF9FloF9 member
    My son is the easier going of the two and the "cuter" one.  My DD is fiery and she doesn't look like me or DH right now.  It does hurt my feelings that the only one that sees to love her a lot is my mother.  :-(
  • different family members go for each one... my mom LOVES amelia (thinks she looks just like baby me)  while MIL goes for paul... thinks he looks just like baby DH Smile

    most people love amelia's cheeks too... but I think it evens out

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  • Interesting that all the posts so far are B/G issues.

     I have two girls, and there was a weight difference at birth.  Everyone favored Lily at the beginning because she was the smaller one and more "delicate."  Bugged me to no end.

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  • Yes, everyone loves to pay attention to Cameron because he's the flirt and Evan is more serious.
  • IL's favor Brady for sure - no doubt, hands down. FIL didn't even HOLD Jax until he was probably 5 months old because of the tubes.

    But...Jax gets a lot of love and attention from all the nurses at the hospital - they all call him "my baby". Most of our friends have never held Jax, he gets treated like a leapor sometimes :( It's starting to slowly change tho...

  • imagesweater:

    IL's favor Brady for sure - no doubt, hands down. FIL didn't even HOLD Jax until he was probably 5 months old because of the tubes.

    But...Jax gets a lot of love and attention from all the nurses at the hospital - they all call him "my baby". Most of our friends have never held Jax, he gets treated like a leapor sometimes :( It's starting to slowly change tho...

    Yes, the tubes have always been a weird thing for people.  When Cam was home on O2 everyone gravitated towards him because they felt sorry for him, and were afraid of Evan because he was sooooo tiny (3lbs8oz coming home) and thought they would hurt him.  Now they like Cam because he's playful and smiles a lot, but Evan is so uncomfortable all the time and anxious that it's hard to get him to smile unless he knows you.  Now the feeding tubes make it so our friends don't want to hold them at all.  But it's not like we can go anywhere anyway so they don't ever see us much.  *sigh*

  • My family treats both girls the same.  The Out laws on the other hand are a different story.  They clearly favor Maddie over Lorelai and it kills me.  I had a nutty on DH's uncle yesterday because he has the nerve to tell me every time I see him that Maddie is his favorite.

    Not to mention that every time I pick them up after work Maddie is being held by someone and Lorelai is ALWAYS on the floor by herself.  I hate them! - The inlaw family - not my girls, of course.

  • My mom and two of my sister fawn over Lilly, while my dad and other sister baby Molly. It doesn't bug me any more, it's impossible to not have a favorite. I'm one of four girls-- I know ALL about family favorites. :-P (I'm my daddy's favorite heheh)
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  • Unfortunately yes...Sydney is more vocal and crabby than her sister, so she's always being held, whereas Olivia is more laidback and therefore b/c of her goodnature doesn't get as much attention. I FINALLY said something to my MIL about if she hated Olivia b/c she was ALWAYS holding Sydney (I used the excused that Sydney looks like my DH did as a baby and Olivia looks just like me)...she claimed no, but every time I come home and see Olivia on the floor by herself and Sydney being held, I ALWAYS comment on pisses me off. BAD.
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