
If you're EPing . . .

What made you decide to go that route (as opposed to bfing)?

I'm currently bfing and pumping to help increase my supply more quickly, but there are times when I'm getting so frustrated because DD isn't consistently eating effectively, and DS gives me a hard time latching on sometimes (I get him on, he pulls off, repeat until he decides he just wants to be on the nipple, we fight a bit longer, and then one of us gives in -- either he finally latches on, or I give him a bottle of pumped milk).

Re: If you're EPing . . .

  • i EP'd because my babies were too tiny to attempt BF'ing when they were born. ?i never had any desire to BF and since they were micro preemies i had no choice. ?it was a great way to give them the benefits of BM and also know how much they were getting at every feed and stay on a feeding schedule. ?also, it lets other people help you with the feedings. eat lots of made my supply quadruple. ?i pumped 80 oz (yes, eighty ounces) a day and had a huge frozen supply. ?HTH
  • I EP'd with my DS for a few reasons.

    It started after 2 days of nursing (he was doing fine) when i was put on meds for an infection that i could not nurse with- so i was pumping/dumping while FF him - and i found that i really liked bottle feeding him better.

    I was never into the whole BF bonding thing- i just wanted him to have my milk- so when i realized i was pumping enough I decided to EP.

    I also loved that I could see his face while he was eating (it was not squished under my boob, lol)... and that DH and other people could feed him- yet he was still getting my milk.

    We supplimented with formula at night- so i could sleep and DH could do the feedings while i healed.  I was never opposed to supplimenting either- and made it a little over 2 months EP'ing before I decided i really wanted my body back.  DS also did better reflux wise on formula- so it was easy for me to give up.

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  • I'm an EPer with the occassional breast session.  It started because DD could not latch and I was not going to BF one and pump for the other so even though DS can latch and breastfeeds really well, both babies get the bottle of BM.  It's working really well and frankly it's easier than breastfeeding IMHO...especially with 2.  One of the main reasons I BF is to help my supply (babies empty the breasts better than a pump) and/or when I feel a clogged duct or something.  I find that I bond just as well with the babies giving them a bottle of BM.  GL with your decision!
  • I EP b/c we had no choice. I tried latching my kiddos and it just never happened. Which is part of the joy of micropreemies. 45 and 50 days in the NICU just doesn't lend itself well to BFing.

    I would stick with it as much as possible. EPing is SO hard. And it's twice the work. Not only do you have to change and feed the babies. But then you have to try to make time to pump in your day. On top of a TON of pump parts and bottles to wash. Also, being able to keep your supply up while EP'ing is VERY difficult as it doesn't adjust with the pump as it would with BFing. 

    I would give anything to be able to BF. I've been EPing for over 8 months and it's the hardest thing I've ever done.

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