Huge temp drop today. Boo. I am pissed...what a waste of time and energy the past 10 days has been for me. Not to mention how betrayed I feel by my body and all of its "symptoms." ARG.
From here forward, no temping/charting after O is confirmed by a clear and sustained thermal shift and corroborate by my CBEFM. It's WAY too stressful for me. Oh and no early testing. This was my first 2WW and I just had to learn the hard way. I am smart enough to know I only needed to do that once. I won't even buy the HPTs until I am late.
GL to everyone who's still in the 2WW.
P.S. Apologies to GP ladies who've already read my rant on that board. It's nice to know that I am not alone.
Re: Looks like I am on to cycle #2
Oh cr@p! Your chart looked perfect, too.
Isn't ttc a nuisance? Every little twinge or flicker of anything could possibly be something else, and it's so easy to get caught up in it.
But just think - all that time spent wondering is time that will just help to make your +HPT all the more special when it does come. I hope it's soon for you!
I'm sorry. I think we are all with you in the frustration
I wish I had the will power to wait to test that is why I use the dollar tree tests if it is before my AF date.
I hope next cycle is the one for you.
I'm sorry. I hope you have better luck your next cycle.
I'm on to Cycle # 2 myself. We're in our peak time right now, but both DH and I are sick with a cold. We just can't seem to get anything started when we're hacking up phlegm. And we're getting ready for a trip, so all our energy is going elsewhere. ::sigh:: He's all ready to BD on the trip, which will be fun, except it's after O! BLAH! So, Cycle Two here we come!
Sorry about this cycle...but here's to #2 being the charm!