
If your DC has been tested for food allergies.

If your DC has been tested for food allergies, how old where they when the testing was done?

How do they do the tests, is it just a blood test, and if so, is it terrible for them to draw blood?

What were the signs that your DC may have had a food allergy?

Can they test for all food allergies, or do they have to specifically be looking for an allergy like peanuts, milk etc?

Thank you.

Re: If your DC has been tested for food allergies.

  • My son was tested at 7 months with a blood test.  He had SEVERE excema--literally head to toe and bleeding--along with very severe GI issues.  We had heard from a friend that her pedi automatically does allergy testing if there are reflux and GI issues.  We asked our pedi and she said she preferred to wiat until he was 1.  We insisted on the testing and are glad we did.  My son is allergic to wheat (which he was eatting daily in oatmeal, puffs and cheerios), peanuts and soy.  He will be retested in a year and they wil also do a scratch test at that time.


    We are very upset his pedi wasn;t more assertive and are in the process of switching doctors.

  • Griffin was tested at about 9 months after he had severe hives which we suspected were from strawberries.

    We saw a ped allergist - she did a ton of prick tests on his back for all the common food allergies - they all came out negative - so she ordered blood tests to be done with his 12month bloodwork.   All of the bloodwork came back negative as well.

    She wasn't that worried about it being a food allergy since the prick tests were all negative, and his hives lasted almost a full week- which is more indicative of a virus rather than an allergy... but she gave us instructions on using benedryl and epi pens just in case.  We kept one epi pen in his school bag and taught the teachers how to use, one in my diaper bag and one in the house- so we'd always have one handy- thankfully never had to use them.

    i have to say it's been a reassuring feeling know we have the epi pens here - and my pedi just gave us a new Rx for them to have on hand- "just in case" since he knows Griffin is trying a lot of new foods lately.

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  • Just after my dudes' first birthday L broke out in a rash all over his face after eating eggs, then it happened a couple of days later. Our pedi ordered some bloodwork, to specifically test for egg allergy. He ended up not being allergic to eggs, so who knows what caused that rash.

    I won't lie, getting a little one's blood drawn SUCKS. But Leo has his blood drawn every 3 months to check on his thyroid, so he knows exactly what goes on in that little room and he starts screaming the second we walk in the door. I think it probably isn't nearly as bad for a baby that doesn't know what's about to happen, KWIM? If you can, leave your other little guy with somebody else.

  • Anna was tested at 18 months for peanuts. It was a "scratch" test on her back. She didn't feel a thing - it didn't bother her in the slightest. It was a specific test for peanuts. when she was retested this year it was a blood test - specific for an all nut profile and milk.  That she wasn't thrilled about because she hates needles. It was a simple blood draw though so one stick and they were done. A Hello Kitty band aid and she was fine.
  • Hey sorry for the late response.

    THey did a biopsy of the intestines when they did the upper GI an barrium swallow test.  It did require general anasethisa but it confirmed that our reflux was not caused by any food allergies.  

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