I would cut one nursing/pumping session then a few days to a week later, cut another session. Keep doing that until you're weaned. You want to go slowly or you'll end up hurting!
I night weaned first. Then, I had to quit cold turkey to go on antibiotics, so I would pump or express just enough milk to relieve the engorgement. It took about a week. I have also heard Sudafed can dry you up. Good luck!
You are so not going to want to hear this, but we first introduced formula at 5 months, and he was not completely off the boob until 9 months. ?It took 4 months, and we dropped a feeding a week. ?It was totally easy and painfree, though!?
If you only pump or express enough to relieve engorgement your body will get the hint and produce much less milk. It took about a week for me to wean but a month before my milk supply completely dried up. It wasn't painful at all.
I recently stopped bf. So I would only pump or nurse enough to relieve myself a little. Slowly I dried up. It took longer than I thought it would. Up until 2 days ago my nipples were still very sore and swollen with milk- it was weird.
I don't know how well it works but my BRU sells a tea specifically designed to dry up milk. That and frozen/cold cabbage leaves should help. Good luck!
Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03 Christian Alexander - 11/13/06 Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
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i cut out 1 pumping session a week for a few weeks till I was down to 2. took about 1-2 months. Then I dead stopped. and I took sudafed around the clock. that finally dried me up after about 10 days.
A friend of mine used the cabbage leaves and it worked for her; one of the nurses at the hospital suggested it. They told her to put cabbage leaves in her bra and it would dry up the milk. Now of course she never nursed, she was trying to dry it up right after the baby was born, so it worked for her in just a few days. Since you have nursed and have an adequate milk supply it may take a little longer. She said she did feel silly walking around with cabbage leaves in her bra, but whatever works right!
Re: How do I dry up my milk?
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11