My friend's baby was born late last week at 25 weeks. The baby is stable but of course will be in nicu for a long while. The mom was released from the hospital yesterday.
What were the most helpful things people did for you when your preemie was in the nicu?
Re: Best way to help a friend with a micro preemie?
Ditto the food! ?Either homemade or offer to bring it in and join them for dinner one night in the hosp.
Also, I thought it was really nice when people wanted to come visit DS once I got over the shock/stress of his early delivery. ?If you get micro preemie clothes, get ones that snap down the front and sleeves (for the IV).?
Gas cards really helped us out. Also, it was nice just to have friends and family come and meet DS and spend time with us. Just talking about something other than blood gas #s and vents and tubes and things was a nice break.
I'm not sure about other NICU's, but ours did not allow flowers or food in the room.
offer to help with the daily things that get in the way of her spending time in the NICU:
she'll need help with getting groceries, doing laundry, cleaning, making meals, later on getting ready for baby to come home, etc.
Also, offer to meet her for dinner at/by the hospital once in a while - it's a nice break to see friends, but still being able to spend time in the NICU!