all morning... and still nothing... i have called left messages..And still haven't heard anything!!!!! So I am turning to the nest for my info... I am to afraid to google them..
Bentlie has these...
all over her back... She got them sometime yesterday, I saw them at bath time.. 4-5 different spots of them.. the am when she got up they were in different spots then last night.. and now they are different spots... she still only has 4-5 spots of them... ?? They don't hurt her, they don't itch... suggestions on what it could be??
Re: argh, trying to get a hold of our pedi!!
Looks like hives...or much as I hate to say it. I would keep trying the pedi.
Gracie gets hives from an unknown allergen occasionally and they look similar to that.
Hives. My DS had them last year all over his back and legs. We never figured out what caused it, though. He hadn't been exposed to anything new and he hasn't had them since.
It's still worth a call to the ped, though, just in case.