So we do confessions often, today lets do pet peeves. They can be multiple/ baby related or not.
I will start... Am biggest pet peeve is when someone spells my name wrong when it is written correctly right in front of them.
My other pet peeve is when someone (adult or child) doesn't say Please, Thank you or Execuse me! Drives my crazy!
Re: Pet Peeves
my pet peeve is MIL related...she is so insecure....everytime she sees the kids she says "oh, you dont know me" (in other words- she keeps score of who sees the kids more- her or my mom- we stopped mentioning my mom visiting to cut back on the score card)
A driving one of mine is that a lot of people dont know what a YIELD sign means stop until its your turn....people in my state somehow obtained dirvers licenses w/out knowing what yield means
When someone misses a belt loop.
One Up-ers who always have a better story than you, even if they make it up.
I hate that most people drive around in cars without the blinker option...seriously...what is so hard about signaling???
I also hate when my coworkers get all whiny...come on, most of you are over 50 years old!!!! Listening to a grown woman whine makes me want to slap her.
I also hate that my DH's family cuts down my parents here and there (mostly b/c I am sure they are jealous that my parents are 15 minutes away and they are 1500 miles)...but one is perfect and I don't care what my dad said to you about this or that...not my problem...once again...I hate whiners!
I also hate when people spell my name wrong. It's usually right in front of them so it shouldn't be hard!
I have to second the misspelling of my name when it's right in front of you. When I write an e-mail, my name is there, when you respond to my e-mail, you should be able to spell my name correctly!
Another one of my pet-peeves has to do with my mom. She watches my daughters one day a week (which I truly do appreciate) and every time I come home from work on the day she's been there, something has moved. She tries to "straighten up," but it ends up just annoying me. If I want something somewhere in MY house, I'll put it there, she doesn't need to do it. Yesterday it was our bouncer. My MIL, who is watching the girls today, uses it, but my mom doesn't. Well, my mom didn't realize that and moved it to the basement. I saw it down there this morning and moved it back upstairs so that my MIL can use it if she wants to. She also moved my sewing machine downstairs. I had it upstairs for a reason! If she wants to move stuff, she should do it at her own house, not mine!
And when people don't know how to park. I seriously think you should have to pass a "parking test" before you are allowed to buy a vehicle. I don't care if you drive a big SUV or truck, they will still fit in one parking spot if you know what you're doing. You don't need to take two.
Passive-aggressive adults.
Parents who think their kids aren't capable of being brats.
Adults who would rather not be bogged down with accountability for their actions.
People who don't know how to carry a conversation and the only way you are going to 'converse' is to-ask them about themselves.
People who eat stuff off of crinkly paper. Like that Hardees? commericial where they are eating cheese off of the fast food wrapper. That is the ultimate disgusting commercial.
People who lick their fingers for remaining food particles.
People who like to keep the peace so much that they forgo their right to have an opinion-so their thoughts on matters can no longer be trusted...because everyone is right.
People who cannot keep their mouths shut.
Too many pet peeves, too little time.
I hate when girls/women younger than me call me sweetie or honey or hun. It is so not a big deal but it drives me nuts!!!
And I would go insane if my mom moved my stuff all over my house. Sometimes she'll move a frame or something just see if I notice b/c she thinks its hysterical!
People being late! I am always on time and if I have to wait for you for 5 minutes, you are waisting 5 minutes of MY precious time! Is your time more valuable than mine? That goes for if I have to meet someone somewhere, so I usually try to meet with people at my office, that way they just get there whenever they get there and I don't have to waste my time waiting for them.
Stupid people
People who smell (half of the graduate students in my department don't take showers! EVER!)
People who talk in class while the professor is talking (Dude, have some respect or get out of the class!)
When daycare gives a bottle to my girls 3 hours later than they were supposed to (it is a schedule, people! not THAT hard!)?
I have a detached garage and loading the boys up is often easier if I park the van in front of the house. We've had lots of snow and ice this winter and someone always seems to park in the sidewalk entrance to the street making me climb over piles of icy snow to get to my van. Seriously, the entire street is open! It seems petty but it's a matter of safety - I've actually left notes. What a nag
When my MIL "accidently" calls herself mommy instead of grandma to my babies.
When people say my name wrong Kirsten (kurs-ten). My boss who I worked with for 3 years still says it wrong...I correct her every time and she says "whatever same difference".
When people who don't need to park in handicap park there.
When parents leave food allover there childrens face...yuck!
Oh there are sooo many....
I live across from a school that doesn't have a parking lot, so teachers always park in front of my house. Sometimes they are ballsy enough to slightly block my driveway. Um, I still have to get out you a**hole.
People who are not only late but clearly knew they were late but still did an errand, etc. on their way, making them even later. (IE: went out to dinner with the girls and one was an hour late -- and showed up with a shopping bag from the mall the restaurant was in. so, she knew she was late leaving work yet STILL had to buy sneakers or whatever before coming to dinner, while we sat there waiting.)
People who use the wrong words all the time, like "sense" instead of "since" or "horse" instead of "hoarse"
Toilet seats left up
Toilet paper that hangs under instead of over
When my nanny drinks the last cold water from the fridge and doesn't replace it (the case of water is seriously 6 inches away from the fridge!!)
I could go on, but I won't
That! And allso when people use "good" instead of "well". "I am doing good" is WRONG!!!!! It should be "I am doing WELL!!!" It is called an adVERB! You use it to qualify a VERB!
People that don't know how to close things without making a racket: like house bathroom door - pull the knob or lever and close quietly. Slamming the fridge or cupboard, etc...
DH changes the kids on the bed - he just throws the old one on the floor - It's face up but why throw it on the floor? Can you just put it aside on the bed?
People who don't signal or who speed - I go about 5 mph over the speed limit but people who HAZARDLY SPEED like over 15 mph PLUS- that's just ignorant and inconsiderate. To be risking others lives.
People who run stop signs - are you really so damn late or important to disregard and just plow through it? (it always seems to be people in fancy cars too..)
My DH who never wears a seatbelt. He just pisses me off.
ppl who do not say please and thank you.
ppl being late.
ppl who all they can do is talk...and not listen. seriously if we are talking on the phone and all you do is talk, barely breath and then get off it gets a bit annoying after a while...
I hate it when people are holding the babies and they start to cry. They insist on calming them down themselves until the boys are so upset that it takes me twice as long to get them quiet.
When mothers of singletons KNOW what is best for my twins. There are things that I never did with my singletons that I am willing to do with the twins, for example letting them sleep in my bed. When there is 2, the line of what I would and wouldn't do is a little fuzzier.
When people ring the doorbell more than once. I heard it the first time! This also goes for people calling my cellphone.
Finally, when people other than myself or my husband feel the need to comment on how grumpy Grant is. I obviously know that he is fussier than his brother, I don't need someone else pointing this out.
When I am driving and let someone in and they dont wave, when I hold the door for someone and they dont say thank you.
People who dont say please and thank you!
Ditto to people who don't use manners. Like pp's have said, when someone doesn't say thank you when holding the door for them.
This one is silly, but when you don't put the $ amount on a gift card. It's a p-i-t-a to have to call and get the balance.
Poor grammar and not spelling correctly!!