Hey, MoMs! I used to be here alot on the Parenting board, but have taken a loooong break. I came back tonight to browse and saw that there's a multiples board now!!
We have two (who were both under 2 for about 8 mo.) and now we're having b/g twins. We'll have 4 under 3 for a couple of weeks, if all continues to go well with my pregnancy.
I'm wondering if any of the MoMs were able to nurse two babies at the same time. Did you ever use a rocker or glider-rocker? If so, did you need an extra-wide one like an oversized rocker/recliner chair? Or did you just use the bed or a couch instead?
P.S. I have no idea what my sig is going to do when I post this.... Maybe there are still pictures?
Re: Hi, and a nursing question
I highly suggest the book "Mothering Multiples". It is very informative in terms of how to hold the babies, maintaining your supply, etc.
I tandem nursed while lying down on the bed. I do have an EZ2Nurse 2 pillow and I would use that while sitting on the sofa.
I wasnt able to tandem nurse until the babies got better at latching and gained weight, but my girls were early.
I strongly second the "Mothering multiples" and the EZ2nurse pillow. I wind up sitting on the floor with the pillow if I'm tandem nursing. I just feel the logistics are easier in terms of getting the babies up, etc. I wouldn't even attempt it in a regular glider.
Good luck to you! You'll have your hands full!
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***