How do you handle the hour long nursing sessions? DD #2 (3 weeks old) nurses 40-60 mins. at a time. DD #1 is 3 years old and it is getting harder everyday. She can only watch so much TV or color and read so many books and she is getting upset and frustrated b/c it takes so long. On top of all of this, she only wants me and she is refusing to nap. I am slowly going did you deal with it or how did you keep your toddler occupied and happy? It's only getting worse now b/c of the nicer weather. She only wants to go outside. I really don't have anyone that could come over and help all the time. Please share any and all ideas or helpful hints.
Re: If you have a toddler and a newborn
I do several things
1. I sit on the couch with the computer and we play games on
2. I am nursing now and she just brought me two puzzles, we do a lot of puzzles
3. We sit at the kitchen table and play play doh
I can do all these things because I use my brest friend nursing pillow. I can even walk and nurse while DD plays in the backyard. It is a Godsend!!
Will #1 let you read to her while you nurse? When the weather gets nicer, I don't see why you can't go to the playground and nurse outside (with a blanket if you're modest). Can you look into a camp for #1 for the summer? My dd was 3 when #2 was born and since it was September we started her in school. It was great for me to have some time with just 1 and it was great for her to have her own place with her own friends and no babies.
You also just get really skilled at multi-tasking. I have actually made a peanut butter sandwich with 1 hand while nursing ds with the other.
Yikes! I didn't have long nursing sessions with Christopher so I didn't encounter that with Alexander. It was also nice weather out. I do know that I talked to Alexander while nursing, though. So, while I was nursing I would hold a conversation with Alexander to keep him occupied and somewhat involved. I still do that to an extent (Christopher has become a very nosey nurser so often times it has to be very quiet in order for him to nurse). Perhaps you can have a special thing that she LOVES to do that can be saved especially for nursing time.
I don't know. Alexander has always been a fairly easy child...he doesn't mind playing on his own and he often did and does that while I'm nursing without hesitation.
Good luck. It's rough at first, but eventually you will figure out a groove that runs smoothly for your family and go with it.
I wish I could help. DD never nursed that long. Her sessions were a half hour, max.
Now at 3 months, she can suck it down in 5-10 minutes.
All I can say is hang in there.... they do get more efficient. Maybe do little art projects, clay or PlayDoh, that kind of thing.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Ditto this. MyBreast Friend is great.
I used to talk over #2 and just engage with #1 as much as I could. #2 was a quick eater though so it never took too long.
Good luck!
L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)! (Irish names)
Too busy to update the pics for now ...