it was getting better but seems to be getting worse again. doc says it just viral and because of drainage, no whooping cough or croup at this point. daycare says a couple kids there have croup though. we're putting vics on her and running humidifier. is there anything else we can do?
Re: poor dd has had a cough for 3 weeks now
We just got back from the doctor about this yesterday. Turns out Preston has Bronchitis and a ear infection. They have him on a cough suppressant, steroid (to help dry him up) and an antibiotic. It was really affecting his sleeping. The first night of being on the medication and he slept all night without one single cough.
We also have the vicks vaporizer, cool mist humidifier, vicks on his feet and we do a steamy shower running while he brushes his teeth at night.
I hope she is feeling better soon.