that she was "leaking" if it was SUPER obvious?
Curious bc when we were at the airport, there was a mom with her little girl and she was bending over and there was um, blood EVERYWHERE all over the back of her pants...not even a little but a whole lot. It was extremely obvious. I wanted to tell her, DH said no way. What would you do?
Re: Kinda Poll: Would you tell a stranger....
I guess I'm kind of curious - how can you not feel that? I'm thinking that I would feel any leakage and run to the ladies room before anyone would have to tell me about it.
But yes in the situation you are describing I would have told her. How mortifying.
I totally would have! I am always of the "woud I want someone to tell me?" thinking.
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean
So here is my follow-up... I DID tell her...and she said she already knew. She was like "Oh yeah, I know...always happens when your someplace you can't do anything about it"..and she kept bending down and doing what she was doing. I thought this was odd bc I would have bought a shirt from one of the shops and tied it around my waist or SOMETHING. And I def would not have been bending down so much, either! I almost felt embarrassed that I told her and she acted like it was no now I almost think I wouldn't tell someone if it happened again.
That's really ODD! I don't think that has ever happened to me, so the "always happens" comment strikes me as very odd. I think if you are ever in that situation again you should tell because that lady was just weird.
Hell. Yes.
I would die if I were walking around like that and no one told me.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Ditto. How bizarre. I have one day of my period that's REALLY heavy, and on that day I wear a tampon and a pad to be sure I don't leak. And I work from home. LOL. So no one would even see if I leaked, I just hate that feeling. And I don't want to ruin my furniture and clothes.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Her reaction is soooo out of the ordinary that I hope it wouldn't scare you off from telling someone again. Any woman in their right mind would want to know that info (especially before getting on an airplane!) and would do something to cover it up immediately.
And maybe she was just trying to cover up the fact that she didn't know it had happened, and was trying to play cool to hide her embarrassment, KWIM?