
Should I say something? re: problem at daycare

DH usually picks DS up from daycare before lunch (he's only there part time a could of days a week).  Today, he said DS was helping to clean up toys and this little girl slapped DS on the face for no reason...just walked up to him and smacked him really hard.  The adults rushed over and swept her into time-out, but my DS didn't even flinch.  He just went about his business.  One of the interns commented "it's the hitting stage around here."  This makes me think that it's SO common that my DS doesn't even think anything of it anymore.  Like it's just part of his day.  I've noticed he's started hitting us at home A LOT lately, and now I know why.  This really bothers me.  Should I say something...recommend some talks about hitting in his room, or let it go?

Re: Should I say something? re: problem at daycare

  • It sounds like his teachers are very aware of the situation and took care of it right away.

    Unfortunately, it is a stage all of our kids either go through or have to deal with.

    I wouldn't say anything since they are already doing something about it.

  • What exactly would you like them to do?  I'm not sure having some talks to two year olds will really make a difference.
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  • I would bring up your concern with them, but don't get too worried just yet. Hitting really IS a common stage that many kids go through. As long as daycare is doing what they can to teach/prevent/discipline (talk to them about that) - what more can you do short of changing daycare - where you might encounter the same thing anyways.

    FWIW, my daycare had a biter for a few months there, and unfortunately one of my DC's who is the same age as the biter, was often the target. Luckily the biter has finally learned, or grown out of it, because it hasn't happened in awhile. I just made sure daycare was aware, and was doing their best to prevent and discipline, and they were.

  • I dont really have much advice. But my dd just starting hitting us(she actually hits dh more than me, not sure why) and she isn't in daycare. i just think its an age thing.  We just keep explaining to her that its not nice to hit and if she continues then she gets a time out. 


  • Ditto the PP -- what else would you like the daycare to do? It sounds like they handled it perfectly. Kids hit -- even the perfect ones. (And lol at the now-I-know-where-he's-getting-it-from.)
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  • I wouldn't bring it up. It sounds like they are on top of it.  DS's class is going through a hitting and biting stage.  He's been doing it at home as well.  We just keep emphasising that we don't hit and don't bit. 
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