
another ?? re: RF toddlers

DD is really small, only 21 lbs and 32 inches at 23 months.  We have a Britax Marathon so she can be RF until 35 lbs, but at the rate she's growing she'll be at least 3 before she reaches the limits.

When did you turn your toddler around if he/she is small?  Did you wait until they reached the limits?  She does fine RF but 2 years old seems old to be facing backwards.  Maybe that's just me though.

Re: another ?? re: RF toddlers

  • We just turned the boys at 2 1/2. Ryan is prob still 23 lbs or less..nowhere near the height, but Dillon (his twin) looked like he was reaching the height limit, so I finally caved in.
  • I'm an odd one on the nest and switched both my girls to FF at 12 mo.  They were both over 20 lbs though.
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  • Lawrence has been consistently in the 10th percentile for weight.  At 26mos, he's about 27lbs (and I actually think it's less because he lost obvious weight while sick a couple weeks ago).  We turned him around at 19mos.  The carseat fit better in H's new car that way and once he rode in one car front-facing, he wanted to be that way all the time.  I think he was maybe 22lbs at the time.
  • I turned DD#1 around at 18 months right when she turned 20lbs.  I had the best of intentions on waiting until at least 2, but it was a PITA to be handing her things.  I asked my pedi at 15 months if it was safer to be distracted by a screaming kid, trying to hand said kid a snack or turning said kid around.  He laughed and said he was just telling me what the law was.  Still I did wait for her to be 20lbs.  (She was exactly 20.1lbs at her 18 month appt.)  I'll probably turn DD#2 around the same time.  She was 18.8 lbs at a year but I think she might have lost some weight from being sick.
  • I would like to keep DS RF until he is 2.  At that point we will see how he is doing.  It's ok now, but it's getting harder to get him in RF.
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  • I kept DD rear facing until about 28 months, then turned her.  We had a roundabout and she got to be close to 34 inches, which seemed to be the limit for her rear facing.  She was just 20 pounds at 24 months, so it was easy not to do it before then. 
  • DS 1 was 20-22 months (don't remember) and weighed about 23 pounds. DS 2 will probalby be turned sooner. He was 21 pounds at 9 months, so we'll probably switch him between 12-18 months. I think he'll be happier since his brother is forward.
  • REOMREOM member
    I turned Gina at 21 months, when Emi was born.  We had no problems with her being RF, and would have kept her longer, but it was just easier with the baby.
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • We turned ds at 21 months. He was about 26 lbs at the time. We were on a long car trip, and he was melting down completely. Turned him, and all was well.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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