
Upset about baby's size :(

Just got back from my baby's 6 month appt. I am upset b/c she only gained 6oz in the past month, and has slowly been dropping percentiles. She is now below the 10%, and she was 82% at birth.

I know I shouldn't, but I really feel like I am failing her. I EBF her, why isn't she gaining?   She seems hungry often, but refuses nursing. I am so upset. Should I give her more bottles?  I really don't want to do formula.

The pedi told me that if you don't start solids around this time,the baby may have issue with the spoon later. Have you heard this?  So she wants me to give her 1 tbps of cereal in the morning, after nursing, and that is it until next month.

I promised myself that I wouldn't get upset about this b/c my 2 year old was small and now she is healthy, but I can't help it :(

DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Upset about baby's size :(

  • As long as she's healthy, don't worry. I would definetly start her on solids though. All babies from 6 months should start solids to get the right nutrition.



    L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)!  (Irish names)
    Too busy to update the pics for now ... :)

  • First of all, that sig pic, OMG, beautiful!

    Try not to worry about the weight gain, sometimes kids are just small.  Both of my girls are small, and Sydney had a weight gain problem, but she's fine now.  I found that stressing about it made it worse and I would get panicky if she didn't eat everything I put on her tray. 

    Were you planning on not starting solids yet? 

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    Did the pedi suggest formula?  That's probably what I would do, but I understand if you don't want to.  I would do the cereal though.  How did the pedi feel about her size?

  • She's at that age where she gets distracted nursing.  Have you tried all the distractible baby techniques... dark room, nursing necklace, nursing more at night?

    I have heard that if you wait too late for solids, baby could have texture issues.  I don't know how true that is.  I thought it was more likely if you wait until closer to 12 months to start solids. 

    Solids are not needed nutritionally at this age anyway.  They are just for practice eating.

    What percentile was your older DD at this age?  She's probably just going to be petite and is going to follow her sister's growth curve.  I haven't seen you post any concerns about develpment, so I'm guessing she's just fine.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • sorry that was a lame hug - here is a better one (((((hugs)))))
  • I am sorry.  I know how frustrating it is.  DD weighed 13 pounds and 11 oz at 6 months.  I remember this because she also weighed 13 pounds 13 oz at 9 months.  Needless to say, that wasn't the weight gain they were looking for.  I think whether or not to give formula is up to you.  You can also discuss with your doctor giving one bottle of "high calorie" formula a day if she thinks that would help.  I introduced solids to DD at 6 months, but she did not eat any to speak of, and especially not any that would help her gain weight until around 11 months.  Starting at 9 months, we had to give her formula (24 cal per ounce instead of 20).  I also still BF her a couple of times a day, but the formula did help her to start gaining again.  She was 16 pounds 11 oz at 1 year, so almost 3 pounds up from 9 months, compared to nothing the previous 3 months.

    Sure everyone can BF, but not all BM is created equal.  Mine had a low fat content, especially after 6 months when I had lost all the extra weight I had gained from pregnancy.

  • My DD was the same way.  Born at a great weight and then dropped rapidly.  We ended up going to preemie formula.  I wasn't too upset over stopping BFing.  It was a pretty easy decision.  I didn't want her to lose any more weight, so we went to the specialty stuff.

    Once she stabilized (I mean, she stopped losing, but is still on the low end), we went to Alimentum.  The pedi said if she stuck to the same weight curve, it was fine, unless she stopped growing lengthwise or her head stopped growing.  

    Then, there was the appt where she stopped growing length-wise.....a month later, her head, we're investigating things further.

    We started to try solids at 5mo.  She refused.  She's almost 10mo and we're just getting some Stage 1 foods into her.  She's on reflux medication, which may be the reason she's accepting some food now.

    She also will only take 4oz at a time.  Given her history with torticollis, we're having a swallow study done to see where the problem is and going from there.  

    She's just such a peanut and we're getting into the Failure To Thrive danger zone because her length and head are stopping.  I wasn't too worried about weight, but the length and head are concerning me.  I didn't want to go through testing and, even though the swallow study isn't painful, I can't be there because it's done via x-ray and I'm pregnant.  

    The formula definitely stopped her weight loss, but she's not gaining at a normal rate.  She IS gaining though, so I'm happy about that.  I just wish we could figure out why she won't swallow anything other than a Stage 1 food.

    My oldest never went through this, so this is all new territory for me.  

  • (((hugs)))
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • I would start her on cereal.  I think we started cereal for DS when he was 4 months.  Maybe then you won't need to consider formula if that's not what you wanted to do? 

    I'm sorry!  {{{{{{{HUGS!}}}}}}}

    Liam is 5!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Why would you NOT start solids?  She's 6 months old and should be on solids.  Even if you start formula you should start solids.  Also my opinion for formula to ensure she is getting enough fat to properly grow.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • ZenyaZenya member

    I Agree 100% with angela.

    FTR - we don't spoon feed at all.  Well, tried and failed with DS and won't bother with DD.  We go straight to self feeding table food.

    JOEBunny - did you have your milk tested?  I thought it was a myth that breastmilk could be low fat.  I'm curious if what I read was wrong.

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  • REOMREOM member

    Oh, I was fully planning on adding more solids into her diet. We already started her on cereal once a day.  The pedi actually wants me to slow down with the solids, b/c BM has more calories, and only give her cereal once a day for the 'practice'.

    She is 13lbs 8oz, which is 9%.  My older DD was 14lbs14oz at 6 mo, which is 32%.  DD#1 was always on the small side,but the pedi wasn't concerned b/c she stayed on her growth curve.  DD#2 is not.

    Thanks for all the hugs and advice, I really do appreciate it.

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • As you know, I stress about Lila's weight too, so I am right there with you.

    However, my pedi told me that genetics kicks in between 6 and 9 months in terms of size.  So, under 6 months a high percentile means they are healthy while after 6 months their percentile is more indicative of their future size and growth.  Lila was above 80% at birth and is now at 3%.

    If it was me, I wouldn't give formula.  Angela gave good suggestions about keeping her from getting distracted while nursing.  After 6 months I tried to BF Lila in her room whenever possible--no TV, no other people, etc.  It did seem to help.

    As for solids, they are just for practice at this age.  I introduced cereal to both kids at 6 months and they both took to it right away.  If she isn't interested, try again in a few days or a week.  She doesn't need the nutrition from solids right now.

  • I can't give much advice but I do offer (((big hugs))).  Coming home from dr's appts and then agonizing over every detail is torture.  I've done that to myself on several occasions.  Then, some time passes and you realize, she's healthy and developing - she's okay!

    i think you can make up a game plan that works for you and then adjust as you go.  good luck hun!

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • If I have another child I think I will consider supplementing with formula if DC does not stay on his or her curve. ?Liam's curve dropped dramatically at 6 months and in retrospect I am sure my supply had decreased or perhaps didn't have enough fat. ?I think it would have been healthier for all of us if I had just starting to supplement. ?I would still nurse but maybe as a previous poster said start with one bottle of high calorie formula. ?
  • She may just be coming into her curve. A friend of mine's first born was born small and stayed small (<5%). Her second child was born bigger and was chunky until 3-4 months or so. By 1 year, was the same size as her older dc was at a year. Geneticaly your older dd is small, so chances are your younger child will be too...

  • Is your second DC more active than your first? She could just be burning more calories. I would go ahead and give her a little bit of cereal everyday, but continue to BF. With DS I had one place I could nurse downstairs and on place upstairs to get his undivided attention. I understand how difficult that can be with two children though. Also, have you thought about pumping at little of the thinner fore-milk out, so that when she does go to nurse she'll be getting more of the fatty hind-milk? You could pump it out and use it to make her cereal.  (((HUGS))) I hope everything turns out okay.

  • I so understand everything you're saying.  MAx had his 6 month appt last Friday and he had dropped to the 5%.  He had gained one pound from his 4 month visit.  He was in the 50% at birth and has slowly been dropping.  His brother on the other hand, was born in the 90% and then stayed at the 75%, so that difference has always made me worried about Max, even though  intellectually I know that Max is just different from his brother.

    I just started giving Max a bottle of formula before bed, but honestly, its more because I am dying for him to STTN or at least just get up once instead of 2-3 times every night.  I nurse him for 20-25 minutes and then do 3-4oz of formula.  He's still getting up as much though, so I don't know what to do.  I am just trying to  find something that will make him sleep longer.   My pedi did suggest doing the formula for the sleeping reasons and also the weight reason, but I don't know how much I'm buying everything she said.  She wasn't too concerned about the weight drop and even mentioned that he may drop more once he's crawling. 

    I think you got some great advice here and you should follow what your instincts say to do.  If doing something makes you uneasy, then pass on it. 

    I hope our kids chub up a bit soon! 


    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
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