DS2 is not big into the nuk but he'll do all he can to shove those fingers into his mouth. Did your DC do this, and if so did it last? I can take away a nuk but not his fingers eventually...
I could have written this email. Kyle was a paci kid and Klaire isn't. She will suck her fingers or on her blankie. I would rather she use a paci but she is not reasoning with me!
ds is 3 and still sucks his fingers to sleep. The pedi told me when he is ready, he will grow out of it but it is better than the thumb because it doesn't push the teeth out.
Gavin is doing that too! It is so funny to see the pride in his face when he gets his thumb in his mouth!! My first didn't do this so I was wondering the same as you. I just keep trying to give him the pacifier. He usually just chews it.
Lilly started doing this at around 6 weeks. She sucks her ring and middle finger. She used to do it all the time til she was around 8-9 months. Then it grew to be less and less and now at 2 1/2 she only does it at night and when she is scared. I have no plans to wean her from it anytime soon. It was really easier than a binky baby b/c I never have to look for binkies or help her find it.
Re: Did your DC suck their hand/fingers?
Lilly started doing this at around 6 weeks. She sucks her ring and middle finger. She used to do it all the time til she was around 8-9 months. Then it grew to be less and less and now at 2 1/2 she only does it at night and when she is scared. I have no plans to wean her from it anytime soon. It was really easier than a binky baby b/c I never have to look for binkies or help her find it.