
Please Recommend Your Diaper Bag

I have no idea about diaper bags at all.  Please tell me what you like about yours, don't like, and if would get it again if you had the chance.  I appreciate all of your advice!!!!
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Re: Please Recommend Your Diaper Bag

  • I have a OiOi messenger diaper bag and I LOVE it!  I got mine at Mimi Maternity.  It is a great bag it has tons of room inside I never have to squeeze things into it.


  • We have an LL Bean backpack for a diaper bag. It is the Escape Pack. I love it. It holds everything we need, although seeing what somepeople carry in their diaper bags (not that I have seen here, just in general) it may be on the small side, but it works for us!
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  • I love my Skip Hop Duo Double.  It's big though but it holds everything.
  • i love my pinnington bag - i think you have seen it - it is pretty huge. They are not cheap- but made VERY well and you can get them made with the fabric combo you want. The woman is great and will work with you.

    she does "bag parties" now and then, too, with discounts, etc.

  • imageDenverGrl:
    I love my Skip Hop Duo Double.  It's big though but it holds everything.

    this is my second diaper bag because I could not seem to fit all that I needed in the carter's one that I had.  I LOVE this bag... it is big but not too bulky!  It is great and so worth it!

  • I also have the Skip Hop Duo Double and LOVE it!  It has plenty of room for everything I ever wanted to put in there....even for all day long outings.  The thing I really love about it is that it has staps that allow you to attach it to your stroller - it works with our Graco Duoglider and also our Jeep I can be hands-free but still have easy access to our stuff.  I did not like the backpack style - I tried it at first but it was so much trouble to take it off everytime I needed something out of it.  I am so happy with the Skip Hop Duo Double!  HTH!
  • I love my vera bradley diaper bag :)
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