Does anyone else ever get confused? I sometimes can't tell if the tension in my stomach is from the babies shifting around or if it is a contraction. I just get so frustrated and so worried. The past few nights I've had a lot of contractions late at night...not enough to have to call the dr., but enough to make me worry. I wish it could be April already. I feel like every day I'm thinking...will this be the day I go into labor, or end up back in the hospital. I mean I sit and I do very little all day is my uterus contracting this much?! Thanks for letting me vent.
Re: Can't tell if it is a contraction or the babies moving.
Do you mean you sit all day long? That's probably why you are contracting. I would try laying down for an hour a day. Tell your doc at your next appointment.
Two Mc Peas In a Pod
Kayla's Grace
I didn't realize until the end that what I thought was a baby moving actually WAS a BH contraction. I finally realized it when I was having a NST and the nurse said I was having a contraction.
For me, I'd get very flushed and warm feeling when I was having one, and I'd feel pressure as if on my lungs. Don't know if that helps you any..
I am with you but I think I can finally make the distinction. I also get period type crampy pressure down there and just like the pp said, a tightening in my lungs. Also, lots of times if you look down, your belly is all lopsided or pointed or just mishaped and really hard. My Dr says the most important thing is that they are not coming at regular intervals.
Keep us posted on what your Dr says.