can you be productive? Usually I'm really productive during naptime, but Lila hasn't fallen asleep yet and I'm just sitting here listening to her on the monitor and waiting for her to fall asleep instead of getting up and doing the things I need to do.
Re: if your DC doesn't nap
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Isabelle doesn't nap anymore but I do a ton of productive things while she's awake, most of the time we even make a game out of it so that she's helping me. She helps me clean up around the house, we sing the clean up song from Barney; she helps me sweep the kitchen & dining room floors & sometimes I give her a wet rag so we clean the floors together too. She also has a fake vacuum so she'll help me vacuum too, or she'll run around while I vacuum & I "chase" her while vacuuming, it's a lot of fun. She is also learning to put her laundry away or at least take a stack & put it in her room or mine & dh's room. She also loves to dust, I give her a dry dust rag & she'll dust the entire living room, it's not as great of a job as me but it gives her a sense of responsibility & she thinks she's being a grown up.