

Did you give Dylan and Cassidy the rest of their immunizations on time or did you have an alternative shot schedule?  Logan has his 6 month appointment next week and if I want to do an alternative schedule I need to write it up and get it approved.  I am so nervous about the MMR vaccine and am hoping my pedi agrees to delay it or split it up.  I am going to check out Dr. Sears' book but I was just curious what your thoughts were!  Thanks!
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Re: **april062604**

  • we gave them everything else on time for their actual age. ?initially i had asked my pedi to delay the MMR to their adjusted age, which he was fine with. ?then i asked him if we could split it into the 3 separate vaccines and he told me they were no longer available. i searched, and searched, and lo and behold...i found the vaccines. ?i'm calling his office today to let him know and then i'll go on whatever he recommends based on the 3 split. ?i'm always concerned about vaccines, but being a special ed social worker prior to being a mom, i do have worries about autism. ?i know in my head that there is NO link...but i still feel like if there is something i can do i

    i'll let you know what he says. ?HTH?

  • Thanks!
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    IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
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    Weishaars' World
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