Pedi suggested to us to try DS on a soy formula so we have samples of this to try. If you've used this, how did your child do on it? I noticed on the Similac website, it says soy formulas are not recommended for premature babies with birthweights less than 1800g (3.9 lb)??? Anybody know what's up with that?
Re: Anyone use/used Similac Isomil Advance?
Our DD has been on that the last month. She sleeps so much better and is overall a happier baby. All soy formulas are extremely constipating. DD had to go to the pedi today because she's been pooping rocks the past few days and we even mix breast milk in with it. I don't know anything about it not being good for low birth weights though.
I think it averages about $23 for the regular size can, but at Costco the bigger one is $27. That's the cheapest I've seen.