
moms of toddler plus baby

what does your day look like as far what you do with your toddler?  I feel like now that I have a baby I jusst do not do enough with DS.  When warmer weather comes it will be easier but I need to start doing more with him...he's 26mos.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08

Re: moms of toddler plus baby

  • We have alone time while J naps in the morning, so we play then (and or he takes a shower with me). ?But the rest of the day is more baby-centered, I think because the baby is just needier when he's awake. ?
  • When he wants to play with me I get down on the floor and play.  Sometimes I have a little play area set up for C while we play.

    I also have alone time with each of the boys from time to time.

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  • I have 2 toddlers and a newborn, so I generally go for activities that are a quick clean up, I can nurse during, and that will pre-occupy my two toddlers for awhile.  Lately, we've been doing lunch and then after I clear their places at the table/highchair tray, we'll do the activity.  Check out the crafty crow (google it for exact addy).  It's a site full of fun activities for kids and most of my ideas come from there.  We did the playing cars in a box filled with whipped cream (they'd used shaving, but my two are younger and would eat it!), and today we'll be making chocolate play dough (easy enough recipe my 2 yr old DS can do the mixing.)

    When it's warm we do picnics in our backyard, homemade popsicles (DS helps) and go to the park with baby in the sling.

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