My DS gave up daytime naps at 3 months pretty much.
He would fall asleep in the car or BFing but even then he was like an alarm clock. When he woke you could bet it was either 30 or 40 mins exactly since he fell asleep.
At night he'd "go to bed" around 8pm and wake at 10, midnght, 2am, 4am, 6am and 8am for feeds. Then up for the day again.
He used to do about 2x 40 min "naps" some days, none on others.
Seriously, the first time he EVER went 3 hours between feeds was after a 24 hour flight when we were all jetlagged out of our minds and DS was 6 weeks old. And he did not do that again for a month.
When he was 8 weeks old I went to a conference with DH and I got up and walked the floors with DS at 2am, at 8am he was still wide awake and cranky and I felt like I'd just done a full day's work.
Is anyone out there younger than 3 months to give up naps?
Re: S/O Youngest non-napper?