

So, I am tempted to pack away the crib & move DD to a twin because I'd like to do some re-arranging of her room to make space for the toys. BUT we don't have a #2 on the way & she is a great sleeper in the crib. Do you go with the theory that it's best to keep her there as long as possible, or do you think the younger I do it, the easier the transition might go? I have a feeling at this age I would be able to get her excited about a big girl bed & I've read a lot of Nesties saying it went well at about this age. But, as DH says, what's the hurry?


  • each kid is different...the only reason why I did it was because we got Britt a full size bed and her twin bed was being stored in the dining room.  We had no storage really and I got sick and tired of it in my dining room so we move Michelle about the same age as your dd. 

    However it was pure hell for 3 days....if I knew it was gonna be that bad I would have kept her in the crib for as long as I could.


    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • We had to move DD at 24 months because she got out.  I would keep her in as long as possible.  It took a while for her to get back to normal sleep and she has a hard time settling down for naps, even now. 
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  • Do you have the twin already or would you have to buy it?  DS did great transferring to a toddler bed.  But we are going to need the crib for the baby.  I would say if you have the twin already give it a try.  But if you have to buy the twin then I would probably just leave her in the crib.  Also, is her crib a convertible?  Could you try pulling the front off and try that for a few days to see how she would do?  I think I would lean towards not changing anything,
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I think it depends on the kid.  Kate is about a month younger than Abby, and I have no plans to switch her anytime soon.  She sleeps great in her crib, and even if we didn't have #2 arriving in 5 wks, I'd keep her there as long as possible, until it became an issue with pottytraining, or until she asked to be in a big girl bed.  I don't think there's a rush.  There are a lot of things coming up for them that you can get them excited about being a big girl (PTing, starting preschool, etc) so I don't think now is the only window for that particular motivation to be effective.
  • We moved into our new house when DS was 21 months and just gave him a twin in his new room. The first night was hard, but that could have been because he spent all day with his cousins playing and then went to bed over an hour late. He cried for about 1/2 hour and then went to sleep. We didn't have any trouble after that. All kids are different. I would try it, especially if your DD is easy going.
  • We moved ds at about 2 1/2.  He didn't try to get out, but I had all his bedding and I wanted to give it a try.  The first night was rough.  Took him about 2 hours to calm down, but did great through the night.  Second night was about 30 minutes.  Now I just put him in there and he does fine. 

     Now naps, on the otherhand are out of the question.  He rarely takes them now with his new "freedom". 

     I miss him napping :)  Mabye he would have just been playing in his crib, but at least  I know he was confined in there. 

    Oh and we left the crib in there for about 2 weeks just in case.  But once he was in his "big boy bed" there was no going back.  He wanted nothing to do with the crib anymore. 

  • Like you said, each child is different, but I would keep her in the crib for as long as she is content.  We got DS a big boy bed for christmas, he got all excited, and now it is sitting down our basement.  He was content in the crib but would not stay in the bed.  So we just figured he is not ready yet.  And honestly it is nice knowing if he wakes up and we don't want to go in there right away he isn't going to be running around.
  • I was in NO hurry to move DS, but he had other ideas and started climbing out. If your DD is under 2, I wouldn't do it. We also occasionally get a midnight visitor to our room/bed. It's not fun, don't mess with it!!
  • Hmm, I think I'll leave her for now then, thanks for all the responses both ways! I'm itching to re-do 2 rooms upstairs, but they can wait.
  • well, DD did awesome switching to her big girl room/bed. she goes to bed (including naps) willingly and happily, and sleeps wonderfully. that said, i wouldnt have switched her if we didn't have #2 coming but i've been pleasantly surprised since i did. if you have the room to do it, i might set up the twin bed and let her choose. that worked great with DD... her big girl room was done and she loved it and then she asked me if she could sleep there. i only let her on a whim since it was earlier than i had planned.
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