TTC After a Loss

What is the earliest you would test?

No, I am not asking for me, I am just curious.

I have seen some people say 9 DPO or 10 DPO.  I believe when I got my BFP before, I tested at 10 DPO.

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Re: What is the earliest you would test?

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    When is the earlierst I think I should test: 12 DPO  minumum

    When is the earliest I decide I should POAS: 10 DPO, if I can hold out that long Embarrassed yes, I am crazy.

    My first BFP was on a "ttc break" so I didnt test until AF was actually late. I am guessing it was sometime around 14 DPO.

    Oct 2008 m/c #1 5 weeks, May 2009 m/c #2 4w5d. BFP 6/23/09 EDD 3/8/10!
    You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt
    After 1 year of TTC#2 BFP May 2011 m/c #3 4w2d. Off to RE.

    Round 1: Femara + Ovidrel +TI = BFP! EDD 2/20/12
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    I don't test until 13/14 dpo.

    The reason being is that if it is a crazy early loss (aka at 3 wks 4 days or so), I just don't even need to know.  A loss at that point has nothing to do with my clotting disorder.  Because  I have no other known issues, a loss at that point is almost def'n chromosomal. But it would be upsetting so ignorance is bliss.

    I also don't need to see a few -ve tests.  If I get a -ve at 9 dpo, I'll want to try again at 10 dpo, etc etc.  That has the potential of being many -ve tests in a row which is too crushing....

    By waiting until 13/14 dpo, I am waiting until my period is due or the day before.  


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    I tested this morning & got a faint BFP! I am 10dpo. I peed on a dollar store test yesterday just for the heck of it :::hangs head in shame::::

    Actually, when I was pregnant with my daughter I got a + @ 9dpo on a dollar store test. FF actually said I was 7dpo, but I doubt that & think I Oed a few days before & FF was wrong.?

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    I got my first BFP at 9DPO, but I don't recommend testing that early
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    Well the benefit of having a short LP is that there is no shame in testing the day of a missed period because it is only 11dpo ha ha.  I am a 9dpo tester and proud of it!



    9 angels in heaven-3 in my arms and 1 in the NICU                                                                                                                                    
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    I tested this morning & got a faint BFP! I am 10dpo. I peed on a dollar store test yesterday just for the heck of it :::hangs head in shame::::

    Actually, when I was pregnant with my daughter I got a + @ 9dpo on a dollar store test. FF actually said I was 7dpo, but I doubt that & think I Oed a few days before & FF was wrong. 


    Congrats on your BFP!!

    I am wondering if FF was right about my original O date. That would put me at 7 DPO I think. I am sure I will be POAS soon, even though I shouldnt.

    Oct 2008 m/c #1 5 weeks, May 2009 m/c #2 4w5d. BFP 6/23/09 EDD 3/8/10!
    You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt
    After 1 year of TTC#2 BFP May 2011 m/c #3 4w2d. Off to RE.

    Round 1: Femara + Ovidrel +TI = BFP! EDD 2/20/12
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    2IF does not always equal 3IF...Surprise!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    I tested this morning & got a faint BFP! I am 10dpo. I peed on a dollar store test yesterday just for the heck of it :::hangs head in shame::::

    Actually, when I was pregnant with my daughter I got a + @ 9dpo on a dollar store test. FF actually said I was 7dpo, but I doubt that & think I Oed a few days before & FF was wrong. 


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker M/C #1 - BFP 12/28/2008. Confirmed m/c at 6wks - blighted ovum on 1/9/2009. M/C #2 - BFP 6/16/2009. Confirmed m/c at 7wks - blighted ovum on 7/1/2009.
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