Cloth Diapering

My poor baby

She MUST have an ear infection.  She keeps turning her head to the left and every time I lay her down sleeping she wakes up a minute later.  I feel so helpless I cant help her Tongue Tied
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Re: My poor baby

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    So many sick babies on the board right now.  It is so awful to watch them be miserable and not be able to do anything to make it better.  :(
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    So many sick babies on the board right now.  It is so awful to watch them be miserable and not be able to do anything to make it better.  :(

    She's finally down. Whew.  I know, I wish I could be sick for them.  Poor Tomasz is he sick too?

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    Poor thing! I hope she stays asleep for you and feels better soon!!
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    So many sick babies on the board right now.  It is so awful to watch them be miserable and not be able to do anything to make it better.  :(

    She's finally down. Whew.  I know, I wish I could be sick for them.  Poor Tomasz is he sick too?

    Yep.  He started daycare last Monday and by this Tuesday he had a cold.  We stayed home together Weds and he was so congested he could barely nurse.  He would latch, suck, suck, choke, pop off, gasp for air, cry/moan, then Repeat.  It was so sad.  :(

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