I would personally prefer my son be a gay guy than a military guy like a lot of the men on my ma's side of the family. that is one mentality I can't wrap my head around.
how do you like that?
I thought Haste the day would have stirred things up, but maybe this will?
Re: RE: scandalous anonymous poll
Tsk, tsk - no stereotyping!
If someone joins the military because they're interested in killing people... yeah, I have a problem with that.
My dad was in the military (Marines, no less) and he's a nice guy - he just wanted to be a pilot.
Things that I would find much much harder to deal with than a gay son:
1. any involvement in the military
2. ?any interest in guns, hunting, or gun "culture"
3. obviously if he took up something cruel or hateful (other than guns) like joined a hateful political party or something.
Actually I'd probably have a hard time dealing if he got an indoor dog. I hate dogs. I seriously suffer having to stay at ILs who have a dog that sleeps on their bed and has food in their fridge. I would hate to suffer like that visiting my own child in his home.?
So you don't like the guys who want to be a sniper?
Military is trained to kill. Some just play with bigger guns than others.
DOOD- I am totally stereotyping!! I'm talking about the GO USA! nationalist machismo doofs I'm related to!
THAT is the stereotype I would lie to avoid. BUT, I suppose that if given the choice in this war hungry world, I would still prefer he be gay than join up.
I also have to add that I wouldn't mind a bit if he were gay, I would actually enjoy it and hope he was on the flamboyant side...for my fun.
I'd be perfectly happy with either - hell, my son could be both and I wouldn't care.
But my brother is active duty army and is getting ready to start his ranger training, and I couldn't be prouder of him. In fact, if Jackson shows any interest in the military, I would encourage him to check out the Naval Academy, Air Force Academy or West Point.
Oh yeah. The Super Soldier is freaking annoying. DH and I love to screw with those guys at the bar
I tend to agree with all of these. huh. go figure.
There are SO many reasons I would not want a son (or daughter) in the military.
1. Their job is to be in the firing line (be it at the front or as a target for other non-traditional attacks). That is not ok with me. I want to outlive my children. And I don't care about defending anyone's bit of old rag, or language or form of govt. Those can always be reconstituted and possibly better than before. No nation state is worth dying for.
2. ?Their job is to kill, whether directly or indirectly. I do not want anyone in my family to be a killer and I don't care if they think they have the best of motives.
3. The personality type drawn to it is about as unattractive to me as possible in so many ways. ?
Ditto. I can't even handle the thought.
Seriously? You don't think *any* war was worth fighting and would have been better off left alone? Should we go down the list??
My DH, who is ex-military, plans to do his best to talk any child of his OUT of planning to join the military. It was the right choice for him for the discipline aspect (he BARELY graduated HS and was mixed up with a pretty bad crowd), but he saw a lot of things he didnt agree with. He also has an issue with our current situation, with his friends being sent off to "stupid wars" as our Prez calls them. You CAN be an objector, but it is NOT easy.
This makes me kinda glad because I couldn't sleep at night worrying about my child being sent off to possibly die...and the thought it might be for a war that I and/or my child don't agree with in principle - sorry, can't do it.
I was so incredibly lucky that my DH got out before being sent off to a war zone - he got out just before stop loss. And has no chance of being called as a reserve...THANK GOODNESS!
I did not actually say no war was worth it in history. I said no nation state was worth it. And look at what wars could possibly be fought now, they're ALL for nation states. Flags. Forms of government. Not worth it.
It particularly narks me when people talk about "fighting for our flag". No one fights for a flag. That would be SO so dumb. Personally they could my national flag a picture of a naked woman on a beach for all I care. It is just a bit of old rag. Change it. Burn it. Don't care. Does not affect anything important.