

Was it you who raved about a baby carrier awhile back? If it was, do you mind sharing what kind it was?  If it wasn't, disregard this post...I could be way off:)  I didn't use a sling or anything much with my other two, but I'm thinking I might need something this time around.

Re: **Hooray**

  • I've been known to rave about carriers :)

    I have two favorites at the moment. For brand new babies, I loved my moby wrap - sooo comfortable, easily adjustable to your post-pg body as it changes, and it almost re-creates having baby in the womb - it cradles the infant in such a way that makes it very user friendly (baby can definitely sleep/nurse in it, and you have your hands free). is another version which I'm thinking of getting this time around b/c it's "cuter" - but basically the same style.  once you get used to tying it, using it's pretty easy, especially around the house.

    For out and about/easy on-off and for older infants/toddlers/preschoolers, I've loved my Beco Butterfly (page MrsJDD, too for another rave review). I originally had a bjorn active (hated it!) and an ergo carrier (comfy, but hard for me to use back carry on my own), and settled on the Butterfly b/c it has built in infant and child inserts that make it super-easy to get dc into/out of the carrier, either on front or on back b/c DC is secure in the carrier - you can then hoist them up safely, and can even unbuckle the waist belt while they're in it (nice when you have to go to the bathroom or the carrier pushes your pants down - lol!)

    I personally found the Beco carrier easier to adjust for a perfect fit, and I loved the designs/patterns over the ergo.  Super comfortable for carrying my almost three-year-old, and I'm looking forward to trying it with the new baby.

    I got mine at - the owner is super nice and has great customer service.  Also has lots of great videos in her blog describing the carrier :)

    HTH :)

  • Wow, thanks for all the fantastic info...I'm going to check into them:) 
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  • happy to help :) is another great resource with lots and lots of reviews of lots and lots of carriers (sometimes too much information - it makes my head swim with all the options!)


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