We just started looking into adoption. I emailed some local agencies and received a response with a fee guide attached.
This particular agency requires $3,500 just for the homestudy and paperwork to start the process. The adoption fees vary from $12,000 to $50,000 depending whether it's a local adoption or international.
So, based on these figures it looks like Rhea will be an only child. How dreadfully disappointing for us. I guess I have been living under a rock. I thought it would be much less expensive.
Re: I can't believe how expensive adoption is!!
yes - it can get expensive. But you might be able to qualify for certain grants and some companies have an adoptiopn re-imbursement.
In the US, there is also an adoption tax credit of about $11K
We are adopting through the foster care system in our state, and the cost to us is nothing.
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Ditto all the pps. We're looking into private adoption and the lawyer we contacted is dedicated to making it less expensive that you would expect. We were also pleasantly surprised to find that our companies each have adoption reimbursement programs.
Keep looking!
Wow I must be really lucky then because the only fee I pay is the lawyer when I go to court.
Yep, it's insane, isn't it? There is no reason some agencies charge what they do, other than greed. RIDICULOUS.
I also agree that there are MANY ways to adopt, and that there are ways to make it affordable. If you really feel that adoption is right for your family, keep making phone calls, keep searching the web, keep researching different types of adoption until you find something that works for your family.
MH has the same thought, and that is why he had an issue moving forward at first. He said it was ridiculous, and at first said he would rather spend $ trying IVF before moving onto adoption because he feels that agencies take advantage of people in our situation.?
I'm in Canada too and that sounds really high. Our HS is the same as what you mentioned but the other program fees sound really high. I'd ask a bunch more questions and also look around to see if you have other agencies you can compare with or choose from
Bryn, I'm in Calgary and you should definately keep looking. Going through Children's Aid is a free adoption.
We are pursuing a domestic infant adoption and all in, ours will be about $10,000. we are very lucky that my company offers a reimbursement program and will cover the entire cost as well.
International is likely the most expensive option as the costs are obviously higher.
I haven't looked into it yet but I am certain that there are tax credits available as well.
It is expensive. But it has been manageable for us so far because the fees have been due at differing times. The application fee was due, and then 2 or 3 months later we had the home study fee. Once we're placed, we'll obviously have the big fee, but we've had a little time to plan and save.
We didn't fundraise, but collected a lot of extra cash via Craigslist and by having a garage sale. Somehow, we just figured it out.