
Age 3 1/2 - 4 years might very well be the end of me.

Dear God.  The attitude, the mood swings, the talking back.  I want to bash my head against the wall!  We just spent the morning at a birthday party and at least I know my kid isn't the only one!  I feel like a horrible person, but this is just the single worst age so far.

Re: Age 3 1/2 - 4 years might very well be the end of me.

  • I am right there with you:)   I swear my DS is trying to drive me crazy  He will do what I just told him NOT to do two seconds after I say it, like don't hit your brother or don't push him down, etc.  I REALLY hope that age 4 and after gets a least a little better...Good luck to you:)
  • For me it was 2.75 to 3.5.  We're now in our good 6 month phase (although the last phase lasted longer than 6 mos). I'm very, very afraid of 4!
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  • Yeah, I've been saying the horrible threes are really horrible :) ?The good news is that I seem to be getting my sweet child back.... ?I think the worst was from 2 3/4 to 3 3/4.... ?now that he's 3 and 10 months things are getting better and better :)
  • OK so did you guys all think 2s were worse than 1s and infants were easiest? In which case I can see it might be all downhill.

    I find DS just a dream since he turned 2 (he's nearly 3 now). Yes you have to negotiate everything, I don't mind that. Deals are my business. I'd much rather that than the inarticulate tantrums of the 1 year old or the constant screaming of the infant.

    I guess I don't mind that he wants stuff he can't have and is upset he can't have it. Hell I would be too. I find it easy to put myself in his shoes now, when he was younger I just could not relate.?

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