
Taxes - does shared risk count as deduc. med. expense?

If we did shared risk for IVF, does that count as a deductible medical expense? ?I know that regular IVF expenses are. ?But I'm wondering if the whole concept of shared risk?paying for a gamble, basically?is exactly the same thing in the eyes of the government. ?We're looking for our paperwork right now, but I don't even remember if we paid the clinic directly or just paid IntegraMed or what. ?Should that matter?

Re: Taxes - does shared risk count as deduc. med. expense?

  • Whoops. ?I thought I was on SAIF. ?(But if any of y'all here know, that's cool too.)
  • Yes, it does count as a deductible medical expense. ?If your total out-of-pocket medical expenses for the year are 7.5% or more of your income, you can deduct ALL of your medical expenses for that year (that you have receipts for, of course). ?(Go to your pharmacies & request a yearly summary of prescription expenses...they count too.) ?We did shared risk through IntegraMed in 2006 & deducted the full loan amount for that year. ? It is a one-time thing cannot deduct the interest paid on the loan in subsequent years, only the initial amount of the loan in the year that you borrowed the money. ?HTH!
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  • OH, & congratulations on your pg!!
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