
When did your twins crawl?

...I am so sick of people's raised eyebrows when I say they aren't crawling yet, my DS is almost there, but DD has no interest of even being on her belly. ?When did your twins crawl and what week did you deliver. ?I delivered at 34.5 weeks.

Re: When did your twins crawl?

  • 6.5 months adjusted (which is apparently early). ?we always use their adjusted age...they were 26 weekers. ?they were 10 months actual. HTH
  • Mine didn't do anything until they were one. No crawling, no standing. They were sitting champs though. They just had no desire to move, which was fine with me. They were in EI which was more for my benefit than theirs. I had them at 37w.

    Don't feel bad. Some babies just don't do it. When they do crawl though, get ready for the 'why aren't they walking yet??" looks. BC, ya know... everyone knows your kids and child developement better than you. *sarcasm*

    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
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  • My girls were born at 36.5 weeks.

    Evelyn crawled just shy of 9 months.  Charlotte didn't crawl until 11.5 months - and that was only when she was forced to by the physical therapist.  She got around by scooting on her butt everywhere. 

    Charlotte was in PT for torticollis - not for lack of crawling.  Her physical therapist said that she only worries about not crawling when babies don't have an interest in moving around by other means (scooting, rolling, etc.) or if it looks like something might be physically wrong with the baby (she was worried about Charlotte b/c she hated being on her knees and she dragged one of her legs - although it turned out to be nothing).  Most doctors consider crawling to be an "optional" skill/milestone, as it's not required to go on to any other milestones.  In fact, Charlotte started walking the same weekend as Evelyn at 12.5 months - right on time. 

    Oh, and 9 months is very average for babies to start crawling.  I think the normal time range is 6-10 months. 

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  • People are so annoying sometimes.  My twins aren't crawling yet - BUT, my singelton didn't crawl until 11 months (he was a 33 weeker).  He walked at 16 months - my twins are starting to "try" to crawl and I'm realizing what a blessing it was when my first didn't crawl until 11 months.
  • Ella was early 7 1/2 months and then Aaron later at 10 months.  They will crawl soon!  I think 10 months is the average.  Tell people to MYOB!
  • My twins aren't here yet but my son started crawling shortly after he turned 9 months.
    I felt like I saw a lot of babies younger than him crawling so brought it up to his pediatrician who told me they don't even consider crawling a milestone anymore b/c so many babies just skip it all together!
    ....people are so annoying  - try to ignore them!
  • I delivered at 35w6d. ?Dd crawled around 10m & ds around 11m.
  • My 32 weekers started to crawl at

    Aidan 9 months

    Tara 8.5 months

    Sean 11.5 months

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