Ditto...I dream of being a spoiled housewife. I am not hurting for things I want, but I have to work too. I would love to cut that part of the equation out.
Oh, to be a spoiled housewife, that is my dream right now. I'm so annoyed with my job at the moment. The thought of staying home all day and chasing my child around sounds dreamy right now. It beats the hell out of the dramz at work I have going on right now.
Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams
Re: where did mattslady go?
lol if I was ever to call you that it is out of puuuuure jealousy!!
Seriously... being a spoiled housewife sounds like a dream. Could I get a nanny too?
And I want mattslady to name names too - she's not afraid, I'm sure of it.
Oh Eclaires, you can not be a truly spoiled house wife without a FT nanny and a cleaning lady. I am talking about the whole package here.
That's what I'm saying. Since when has she needed to say stuff anonymously?
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I'd love to be a spoiled housewife. Dare to dream.