This will be my first summer with two kids, but my baby will be 6 months so I assume we will be outside as much as we were last year which was like 5-6 hours a day, we never come inside except for naps. We are either in the backyard, at the park or pool. I think it will be the same with DS. Oh and usually I am just playing with DD but I could do gardening if I wanted to.
As much as we can- I really think it's good for them. I was outside constantly as a kid. I love living here now, it is a rare day that I can't send them out to play.
I don't spend that much, but I have a fenced yard & let them go out w/out me all the time. I just keep the window open(so I can hear them) & am often in the room w/ that window overlooking it (kitchen). I do sometimes do yardwork or surf the web out there (wireless router & laptop) now that we got a really comfy patio set. I do plan on trying to garden some this summer, not sure it'll happen though w/ a newborn (kid #3). I do spend time ( few hours a week) on the front porch swing or steps watching them play in front yard/driveway/sidewalk riding scooters/bikes.
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So far we have spent a lot of time outside when the weather is nice. I filled up DD pool in the backyard for a couple of days and DS and I sat under the pergola while she played. We also go to the park every day and to the beach 3-4 days a week. I hate being stuck inside.
I'm looking forward to the warmer weather just so we can start spending time out more often. We have a garden and last year Riley and MH worked in it more than I did.
I had two last summer. DS was 8-12 months in the summer. We loved playing in the pool (small blow up one) neither of my kids can swim (altough have taken lessons) so I didn't fell safe with them at the big pool, although I did take Hailey to the water park once and I think I will be able to take them both to the kiddie part. We also played at the park in the AM and in the yard in the late afternoon unless you are swimming is really too hot to be out mid day here....I'd say we spend 4 hours outside
I don't have 2+ yet, but will this summer. Honestly, we're not outside nearly as much as I would like, but that's a consequence of living in the city. We have to lock up the apartment and take an elevator to get out of the building, then walk a bit to get to a playground in order to go outside, which is a PITA and means bringing everything we might need while we play with us (food, diapers, etc..) and outdoor diaper changes (only good when it's really warm out!). If we lived in a house in the suburbs we would rarely be inside during the warm months and I can't wait until we get out of here.
That said, we do go out walking and to the park at least once a day when the weather allows, sometimes twice. I think it's important that DD get fresh air and exercise and we're cooped up all winter, so I get out all we can when it's warm enough!
Lots! We have a big fenced-in yard which is so nice to keep DS #1 contained. We got a playset for Christmas and have a ton of toys out there as well. We also play out front with scooter/trike and all the neighbors, and go for walks.
Do you mean, with the kids or without the kids. We are outside pretty much every day. In the middle of summer, it's really too hot to be out during the day for any extended period of time, so it's more like an hour in the evening or an hour in the morning. Right now, in FL, it's perfect, we are outside a lot. Activites include: riding bikes, stroller rides, side-walk chalk, bubbles, balls (kicking, throwing), tennis (both kids got mini-rackets for Christmas, it's a riot, playing golf, running, playing tag, going on "missions" (finding something special - pinecones, a certain type of leaf, etc.,etc.), picnics (lunch or snack), swimming when it's warm etc. We also go to the park for swings, slides, climbing, etc and to the beach too.
DD was tiny last summer, so we had to work around naps - although I would take him out in the mornings sometimes and leave her with the monitor. Just the backyard.
We go out in the afternoons - to the park or the pool or just the backyard. We have an early teens girl living next door and she'd take Tommy out. It was really hot- so I didn't want the baby out too long a lot of days.
This summer, she's only one nap and he's none, so I plan on spending more time outside - we can make it to the pool in the mornings now, for instance. The only thing that I think might be hard is the park by myself - a nearly 4-year-old and an 18-month old. They'll be going in 2 different directions. Maybe girl next door might want to come
We were not outside enough! ?Maybe an hour or two during the day last summer in addition to daily walks. ?We try to get outside, but there's not all that much to do at our house. ?I plan on spending a lot more time outside this summer, though, and really want to get a nice little playset.
If it's nice we are outside unless someone is napping or we are fixing meals. Right now I just put the baby on my back in the carrier and play with my oldest but this summer when the baby will be crawling I imagine we'll just all play in the grass.
DS was really young last summer so we had to plan everything around his eating/napping, but we still went outside at least once a day, usually for a walk to the park before dinner. This year I plan on spending way more time outside. We live about 2 minutes from the ocean, and we also have a little swingset, sandbox, and pool in the backyard, so there is plenty to do.
Re: Moms of 2 or more children - how much time do you spend outside?
Every single night after work --- so from 6:30-8:30ish when they go in to go to bed. (They are out there even before I get home though).
Weekends --- outside all day long.
I don't have 2+ yet, but will this summer. Honestly, we're not outside nearly as much as I would like, but that's a consequence of living in the city. We have to lock up the apartment and take an elevator to get out of the building, then walk a bit to get to a playground in order to go outside, which is a PITA and means bringing everything we might need while we play with us (food, diapers, etc..) and outdoor diaper changes (only good when it's really warm out!). If we lived in a house in the suburbs we would rarely be inside during the warm months and I can't wait until we get out of here.
That said, we do go out walking and to the park at least once a day when the weather allows, sometimes twice. I think it's important that DD get fresh air and exercise and we're cooped up all winter, so I get out all we can when it's warm enough!
DD was tiny last summer, so we had to work around naps - although I would take him out in the mornings sometimes and leave her with the monitor. Just the backyard.
We go out in the afternoons - to the park or the pool or just the backyard. We have an early teens girl living next door and she'd take Tommy out. It was really hot- so I didn't want the baby out too long a lot of days.
This summer, she's only one nap and he's none, so I plan on spending more time outside - we can make it to the pool in the mornings now, for instance. The only thing that I think might be hard is the park by myself - a nearly 4-year-old and an 18-month old. They'll be going in 2 different directions. Maybe girl next door might want to come