
Today is a brand new day. I'm tired of being fat.

Today I had a follow up appointment with my OB/GYN for the blood work from last week. We were looking for a reason that it took so long to get pg last time so that when we decided to go for it, TTC would have direction and a plan.

Well, my bloodwork didn't show any hormonal problems. What it did show was high cholesterol. Not ridiculous high, but high for a 27 year old woman and definitely above normal. The dr. suggested weight loss as a solution to both the cholesterol and fertility problems.

It's not that I haven't heard it before. I know I need to lose weight. I know that the reason I hate to have my picture taken is not some weird pysch out that some people seem to have. It's because I hate seeing myself in pictures, looking bloated and GIANT.

232. That's the number that came up on my scale when I took it out of the box this morning. I'm not hiding it anymore that way I can't ignore it anymore. It's totally shameful to say it out loud. I'm only 5'7". I should weight 175 max. So that means I have 57 lbs to lose at least. 57 is totally doable, right?

I have also made it clear to DH (and continue to do so daily) that I need his help. He needs to diet with me and help motivate me to work out. I'm certainly not blaming him for anything, but I definitely can't do this if he's going to eat crap and sit on the couch while I struggle.

And it is going to be a struggle. But I am going to use all of you as my witnesses. I can do this. I WILL do this. I know some of you have my email address (MelandJeff at least) but if anyone else feels like sending me a WTF email, I will gladly give you my email.

I know some of you might feel compelled to say Good for you or whatever, but I would ask that you please hold off until I can report some acutal progress (or at the very least that I got off my ass).

Thanks for taking the time to read this. You guys really mean a lot to me and I know that I need to share this with everyone in my life, including my virtual friends. Smile

Re: Today is a brand new day. I'm tired of being fat.

  • The H&F board here is a huge help.  Also, I track calories on and that helps me stay on track.  GL!  You can do it.
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  • 57 lbs is totally doable!  I lost 55-60ish lbs after having #1.  I'm working on losing close to that again this time.  My friend lost 100 lbs over the course of 3 years (more like 1.5 actually working at it) and went from 265 to 165 (she is 5'10").  I've struggled with weight my entire life and I know how hard it is.  You are totally doing the right thing by talking about it.  You can do this and just think what the reward will be...a sweet little baby and a healthy mommy.  Good luck!  I suggest or a lot of ladies on here have had great luck with weight watchers.  The health and fitness board is a lot of help too.
  • do you have hypothyroidism? I hear it can cause abnormally high cholesterol.

    did they check your TSH?

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