
I can't stop eating

I'm a normal, healthy lady. ?I am very active (exercise around 5 days/week) and eat pretty healthy. ?For the past 4 days, I?can't?stop eating. Like, seriously.. I feel like I'm eating non stop. ?I did start doing some extra lifting, and my youngest might have BFed a bit more b/c she's been sick. ?But I'm starting to get really down on myself. ?I feel like such a pig! ?And the thing is... its not like its unhealthy food... its just SO much food! ?AND then its like I get hit with feeling full and really full. ?That only lasts for an hour until I'm hungry again... but I'm in that full feeling now and I am disgusted with myself.


Okay, sorry... I don't know what's going on. ?I refuse to weigh myself though... I must be gaining like a pound a day!?

Re: I can't stop eating

  • ME TOO!! (minus the exercise, b/c I an waiting for the go ahead from the doctor...yeah- thats my excuse!)

     I am insatiable and FAT. and I am not eating healthfully.

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