
33 Week Not so Good Appt

We had our 33 week growth ultrasound. To my surprise both babies have turned head down!  The not so good news is our little boys placenta is basically not providing him with enough blood and oxygen so he is not able to grow at the rate of his sister.   The peri says this is common in twin pregnancy. He weighs 3lbs 7 oz and she is at 3lbs 13 oz. They sent me to L&D for a NST & steroid injection right after my appt.  They passed the NST with flying colors, but ordered home bedrest.  The peri thinks they will be born at 35 weeks.  Anyone have a similar story?  This is keeping me up and worried!   

Re: 33 Week Not so Good Appt

  • Congrats on them both being head down that is great news.  I am sorry about the not so good news but 35 weeks is good.  I hope you can keep them in as long as possible.  My twins were born at 37 weeks and all was well.  Rest lots and let dh wait on you for the next couple of weeks.


  • Mine shared the placenta, and Baby B had only 30% of it (which we didn't know until after they were born). My peri did think the placenta might stop working because they did have a growth discordance starting at 26 weeks.  I had frequent u/s and NSTs twice a week.  I always brought my hospital bag in case that was the day they would deliver my babies.  I ended up making it to 38 weeks.  Baby A was 6lbs 2 oz and Baby B was 4 lbs 12 oz.  But even though there was a big difference, they were healthy and came home with me when I was discharged.

    I know its scary hearing what your doc is telling you.  You are doling a great job though.  Try and hang in there.

    O- I also drank high protein boosts.

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  • it's wonderful that they're both head down. ?although the thought of an early delivery is scary...they're already 33 weeks and 35 weeks would be great. hopefully their nicu stay would be brief if any time at all...just enough for you to get back on your feet. ?rest well and take it easy. oh, and the worry never's the first thing i felt as a mom and it continues day and night..........about everything...........
  • Yay for them both being head down but how scary!  Hopefully the injections work and help him grow some more!  At least you're only leaving work about a week early.  How strict is your bedrest?
  • I'm sorry about your news.  Try to hang in there though.  I am sure it's tough, but you just never know.  They delivered our boys at 35 weeks, 5 days because they thought that Brody had stopped growing and was a whole pound smaller than Aidan...he ended up being 2 oz. bigger.  You just never know.  Hugs!
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  • krstyqt--do your twins share a placenta? 
  • oh stay encouraged!!!   i pray that all goes well!  try not to stress and let them cook as long as possible.
  • imageshady06:
    krstyqt--do your twins share a placenta? 

    No.  She's having b/g twins.

  • imageshady06:
    krstyqt--do your twins share a placenta? 

    No they do not which is even why I was more in shock, but the peris said if his placenta is weakening then she will just get more of the nutrients. 

  • That's why I was wondering about this--if they are di/di and have their own placentas, I thought they were independent and one didn't affect the other.  That is very interesting.  My boys are di/di and I never even thought this was a possibility.  I go in 5 minutes for my BPP and 33 week check so I was just curious...
  • Great news that they're both head down!  I don't know about the placentas, but I can imagine I'd be worried also.  Hopefully they'll stay put for a while longer!  And as the others said, 35 weeks is great!
    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
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