I could have sworn we had 1 more package of diapers left- but we don't. My DH buys diapers from his work (he works in a hospital supply warehouse) and we always buy big boxes of like 10 packages in a box. Well I thought there was one more package in the bottom of the box- Uh...well there isn't!
So I have 1 more regular diaper and I just found 6 swim diapers! I hope that holds us until DH comes home at 630pm! (Oh and the reason I don't just go out and buy some more is b/c I am letting my mom use it to go to work after my dad's car got stolen).
I hope we make it or they will just end up sitting in the tub for the rest of the day! lol
Re: Oh no! Only 1 diaper for rest of the day!
Uh oh good luck, those swim diapers don't hold much. I see the tub in your future.
Oh dear lord!!!
Let's see...we use about 15 a day with the two boys. Yeah...7 diapers (6 of which are for swimming) should be fine for THREE babies!!
Ha haha ha! sorry...that is just too funny and cute!
oooooh karma is gonna get me I know it...?