Does anyone use the space saver bags that you suck the air out of with a vacuum hose? Do they really keep the clothes protected if you're going to store them for a long time? I want to use them to store all of DD's clothes, and since I'm not sure when we'll have another little girl, I don't know how long I'll be storing them for. Also, what shape are they in once you take them out? Someone told me that long term storage ruins them, but her comment wasn't from personal experience, so I'm not sure what to believe. I bought some of these over the weekend to replace all the storage bins that we keep accumulating, but I haven't tried them yet. I would LOVE your feedback before I do!! Thanks!!
Re: Do they really work?
Christmas 2011
Do you happen to know which brand she's had luck with??
It's mixed. Several years ago, I bought them and the air leaked out as pp's have said. However, I bought some about a year ago for R's clothes, and they work perfectly fine.
They stay sealed up and take up a lot less space than the bins. The clothes are fine, wrinkled, but we haven't had any problems other than that.
Great! What brand do you like?