Last night we were at the grocery store & I was getting L out of his seat. DH was just sitting there in the driver?s seat, waiting for me to get done apparently before getting out of the warm car.
Me: Landon, tell Daddy to come on!
L: Daddy, comeon!
DH: I?ll get out in a minute buddy?
Me: What are you waiting for? Let?s go.
DH & I just stared at each other?holy crap, he?s demanding things in Spanish now.
Thank you, Dora. :P
Re: Weekend Conversation with L:
HAHA! ?That L! ?
What a cute siggy picture. ?I know I have told you before...?
Abby makes Dh say open in spanish before she will open the door for him. She locks the garage door on him all the time and then she giggles until he says it.