
OPK ? and TMI ? (sorry)

I've been asking about OPK's a lot lately.  So, I apologize if I'm driving y'all nuts.  I have heard and read that it's best to take the OPK at 2:00 in the afternoon. Is it still ok to take one at like 6 tonight when I get home from work.  Will it still be accurate?

Also, I'm pretty sure I am ovulating as I've had pretty heavy CM since this morning and I'm crampy on one side.  But, the CM has been really super thick and kind of cloudy. I thought it was supposed to be the consistency and look of egg whites.  Can someone please clarify for me?


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Re: OPK ? and TMI ? (sorry)

  • 6pm is still fine. the reason to take them around the same time is to ensure you don't miss your surge. typically a surge lasts longer than 24 hours but there's a small chance if your surge started at like 2:15pm yesterday it could end before 6pm, that would be the problem. but it should be fine.


    different women experience different symptoms of O, but egg white is most common. i'll have a lead-up of creamy CM for several days before the EWCM. some women never see EWCM though it just depends. what day of your cycle is this?

  • oh...thanks for responding.  Work pulled me away for a while.

    I am on CD 15.  Last month my cycle was 34 days but it was my first month off of BC.  This month it is looking like it is going closer to an average cycle.

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