
s/o preschool cost

I just got done enrolling dd in the "high" class preschool around here and its only $390 for the first semester and $490 for the second semester... she will go from 9am til 11:45am 4 days a week... I can't believe the price difference compared to some other places..

Re: s/o preschool cost

  • I'm so jealous :)

    This is feeling like the housing cost posts from yesterday - amazing how pricing differs in different parts of the country!  DH balked at paying $2200 for two mornings a week this fall (in Philly) - he's going to crap his pants when he sees how much school costs here in L.A.!!

  • I pay 3800 for dd to go to a prek-8 catholic school.  Extended care hours are 3.00 per hour after and before the regular school day.  So cheap compared to day care.  Dd goes full days 5x per week.
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  • DD currently goes to preschool at the Catholic School. She goes Friday mornings from 8am-11am and we pay $40/month. Next year she'll go two days a week 8-2:30 and we'll pay $120/month.
  • dd goes 3 days a week from 12:45 to 3:30... it's Sept to mid May and it's about $3000 a year.  She'll do the same next year, but we're thinking full day when she's 4... full time is 9-2:30. 5 days a week for full time would be $7300 for the school year. this doesn't include the summer month (they only do June , off July and August. By then ds will be in for 1/2 days (3 a week).  God help us. A friend is going through the private school application /interview process... it's making us seriously think public is the way to go. lol. ack! 

    okay, now I"m having palpitations again.  thanks.  Stick out tongue

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