
AW: It's 1:35 and I've ate a banana and had a coffee!

That is HUGE for me.

Yes, I know it's not good to starve yourself.  Blah, blah, blah.  My body has PLENTY of itself to eat!  :)

Re: AW: It's 1:35 and I've ate a banana and had a coffee!

  • eaten - sorry, had to do it

    Not starving is not about your body having plenty to live off of, it's about your body's reaction to little food. It goes into starvation mode and will slow your metabolism down. Thus, thwarting your efforts to lose weight by eating less. Eat more, eat often. It's better for weight loss, I promise. 

  • If you're not eating at least 1300 calories a day your metabolism will slow down and make it even harder to lose weight. ?

    That being said, I wish I had your discipline. ?I had eggs, toast, and a huge plate of chips with melty cheese (that's like 1000 calories already). ?:(?

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  • But...all its eating now is the carbohydrates stored in your liver and muscles..there are 1000-1500 of them for it to take on. 

    But..I think fasting everyonce in awhile is helps me remember to have some mental control over what I eat..since I am an emotional eater.

  • It's 12:40 here, and I just ate a whole thing of chips & queso for lunch.  It just happened....whoops!  There went my awesome workout this morning.Embarrassed
  • my personal trainer would yell at you, LOUDLY.  here's what she would say...

    "where's your protein?"  You had a great workout yesterday and now you are inviting your body to eat all the great muscle you made.  Your increased your metabolism with your great run and just ruined it by starving your body today."

     she would then hand you a protein bar and refuse to work out with you until you ate it!


  • Eat some protein -- it will help you burn fat.
  • Ok, so I posted this and was to point of starvation!  HA!  :)

    SO I went and got a green apple and 3 tbsp peanut butter.  8 point lunch BUT high in protein so I should be good until dinner.

    I am eating roughly 1000 calories a day --- so I'm good there.  My friend that I am doing this with, she drank green tea yesterday.  That was it.  THAT I don't recommend.

  • Jodi, seriously, you need more than 1000 calories per day. You need minimum 1200-1300 and even more if you're doing hard cardio workouts.
  • I'm really no longer buying in to the whole "you'll put your body in to starvation mode" theory.

    I read a Biggest Loser article about one of the winners and she ate 1300 calories a day and they exercise for 5-6 hours/DAY!!!

    So I just don't think that my eating 300 more calories a day is going to help burn anything --- and it will only take me that much longer to get the weight off!  ;)

  • you can certainly lose weight by drastically cutting calories.  anorexics do that all the time.  just to be clear, i'm not saying you are anorexic (before someone jumps down my throat).  but if you do that for a prolonged period of time you will permanently alter the way your body metabolizes calories, making it harder to sustain your lower weight.  if you are going for thinner longer term, rather than losing weight quickly you are better off with slightly higher calorie intake.


    check out this classic weight loss study:




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