Working Moms

Deciding whether or not to stay home with sick DS - WWYD?

DS developed some sort of weird virus yesterday afternoon.  Bad headache and fever, which responds to Motrin, very little appetite, and big red bumps all over his body.  They have grown bigger all day and some of them look like big blisters.  I took him to the doctor, and he said it's just a virus that will run its course.  And it's highly contagious.

I stayed home with him today.  His sitter said she would come over tomorrow, but I feel so bad leaving him when he is sick.  Plus I am feeling marginally cruddy right now - a little dizzy and no appetite whatsoever. 

I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon that I really shouldn't miss.  But I hate leaving DS when he is like this and if I am getting it I don't want to go spread it to all of my co-workers. 


ETA:  I do have the ability to work from home also


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