
Bad mommy guilt...

This weekend, DH was gone for the majority of the time.  I was with DS and DD, and we didn't leave the house.  I COMPLETELY lost my cool with DS when he wouldn't nap on Sautrday.  DS was acting up and being loud, and woke up DD who was napping.  I feel just horrible about it.  I tried to call DH to complain, and got zero support (probably because I was interrupting his fun time).  I can't let this go.  Any suggestions for relieving some terrible mommy guilt? 

Re: Bad mommy guilt...

  • I had a similar situation yesterday and I still feel like sh*t. The anxiety over it is really getting to me.

    I apologized to her a million times and she said "its ok mommy" but its not ok.

    Sorry you feel like crap too.

    If I can atleast try to make you feel better, I'll say that you are doing it alone, with two. You could use a break. And feeling as bad as you do, means you are probably a great mommy!

  • Just do something fun with DS.  I did this on Friday night.  DH worked late and I had so much to do to get ready for DS's birthday party and was trying to bake his cake.  DS was getting into anything and everything and I spend a good amount of time yelling at DS and putting him into time out.  I finally took a step back and asked myself what I was doing.  This was supposed to be fun and all I was doing was being mean to DS who just wanted my attention.  I played with him for a little bit, involved him in helping me out, and told him how sorry I was since all he wanted was my attention.  Then I called my parents and asked them to come over and keep DS company.  All four of us ended up having a great time getting ready for his party! 

    I guess the bottom line is not to feel too guilty.   It's hard not to react when we are pushed to our limits. 

    Liam is 5!
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  • I have been dealing with that all day.  This morning Riley was screaming about not wanting to get dressed.  We were running late already and she was just making it worse.  Sydney was hanging on me because she wanted attention too, and then I started yelling about how much I hate Mondays too.  I hate fighting about getting dressed, or shoes, jackets... etc... when I dropped them off at dc today I told Riley that we would have some fun times tonight. 


  • imagexbrooklyngrl:

    If I can atleast try to make you feel better, I'll say that you are doing it alone, with two. You could use a break. And feeling as bad as you do, means you are probably a great mommy!

    Thank you for reminding me of this.  It really does help!

    And I know your love for Brooke is without compare, so you should feel better too! Big Smile

  • aww thanks! I feel like a turd today but I'll make it up to her.
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