We heard the h/b yesterday, I'm a couple days from being out of the first trimester, and I told my boss today. I'm in the clear to tell the world, thank goodness! I hate keeping secrets.
I am not a secret keeper either! Everyone knew when Patrick and I were TTC with both. Technically both. They knew the original plan was to TTC when Ethan was six months old - the plan before TTC Ethan and the plan while pregnant. We decided to wait after we had him but apparently never said anything about waiting. He was six months old when I got pregnant with Brooke anyway and it was no surprise to anyone when I made the annoucnement. Happy, just no surprise.
Had you actually annoucned here that you were pregnant or no??
Why don't you have a ticker thingy so I know how far along you are.
I will now! I was so paranoid before. Having had a m/c, I kind of like to be in denial about the whole pg until I'm in the clear, which I feel like I am now. Not saying nothing could happen still, but it is less likely, I guess. We told our families (parents and siblings) on Christmas, and I felt like I was jinxing myself even doing that.
And an exciting secret is the hardest to keep! We waited until
8 weeks, when we had the first u/s, to tell everyone and NO ONE could
believe that I was able to keep it a secret that long! heehee....
What was the heart rate? My kids stayed true to the wive's tale....DS was always much lower than DD.
Re: Now I can come out to everyone!
And congrats on hearing the heartbeat --- I know how reassuring that is!
Yell it on the rooftops!
Why don't you have a ticker thingy so I know how far along you are.
I am not a secret keeper either! Everyone knew when Patrick and I were TTC with both. Technically both. They knew the original plan was to TTC when Ethan was six months old - the plan before TTC Ethan and the plan while pregnant. We decided to wait after we had him but apparently never said anything about waiting. He was six months old when I got pregnant with Brooke anyway and it was no surprise to anyone when I made the annoucnement. Happy, just no surprise.
Had you actually annoucned here that you were pregnant or no??
How exciting! Hearing that heart beat for the first time is such a beautiful sound
I had a totally different coming out thing in mind when I first read that
I will now! I was so paranoid before. Having had a m/c, I kind of like to be in denial about the whole pg until I'm in the clear, which I feel like I am now. Not saying nothing could happen still, but it is less likely, I guess. We told our families (parents and siblings) on Christmas, and I felt like I was jinxing myself even doing that.
And an exciting secret is the hardest to keep! We waited until 8 weeks, when we had the first u/s, to tell everyone and NO ONE could believe that I was able to keep it a secret that long! heehee....
What was the heart rate? My kids stayed true to the wive's tale....DS was always much lower than DD.
Isn't it a wonderful feeling to be able to tell everyone? Its like finding out you're pg all over again since its new to everyone around you.
I can understand waiting. After 2 m/c, I waited until I was as far along as you to tell family and another month to tell work (I'm not there much)!