Do you bathe your babies in the grownup tub yet? Do you have any special seats that you use? And do you bathe them together? I am still hanging on to the plastic baby tub on the kitchen counter.. I guess for now it is still working, and I can keep the other two babies in my sights that way, but I wonder how much longer I can do this.. they are starting to want to stand up, which makes it pretty tricky.
Any suggestions for the transition to the big tub?
Re: Bathtub question..babies 12m+
We use these
They've worked well for us so far.?
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We bath them separately.
I started to bath them in the big bath once they were able to sit up on their own.
When DH is not home we have created a 'safe' room that is gated and babyproofed where they can play with their toys without having my direct attention to them. So i can bath one and leave the other in the safe room.