
Bathtub question..babies 12m+

Do you bathe your babies in the grownup tub yet? Do you have any special seats that you use? And do you bathe them together? I am still hanging on to the plastic baby tub on the kitchen counter.. I guess for now it is still working, and I can keep the other two babies in my sights that way, but I wonder how much longer I can do this.. they are starting to want to stand up, which makes it pretty tricky.

Any suggestions for the transition to the big tub?

Re: Bathtub question..babies 12m+

  • The bathseat rings say once they can stand up to stop using them.  I put a bathmat in the tub and bathed them together.  Now all 3 little ones bathe together.
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  • We were using a large clothes basket to bath them both in the big tub so they could hang onto the sides.  Tonight we bathed them in the tub without the basket.  DH and I were both there, although they sat and played with their toys just fine.  I'm a little worried though...maybe we shouldn't be doing this already. GL!
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  • We have been bathing them in the regular tub for a few months.  (We don't use the wash basket in my sig pic any more)  DH hold onto and plays with one, while I wash the other, then we switch.  We don't use any tub seats. One sits on a hand towel, and the other sits on a foam mat.
  • Yup! They get big girl baths! We don't use tub seats bc they like to crawl around, blow bubbles in the water... that sort of thing. They get in together and have lots of tub toys. As for the standing, we tell them as soon as they make the motion, "Butts down." and for the most part, they get it. Keep the water warm and not to deep. Get a bucket or use the shower head to rinse hair- keep hair dry as long as possible to keep them warmer! Enjoy the big kid tub!
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  • I moved them to the big tub at around 6 mo . . . I used a big baby bath sponge and just recently I bought a bath mat now that they are stilling up on their own really well.  I still do one baby at a time (I'm usually by myself at night), but I may get brave and do both of them together soon. 
  • we use the same rings that linda linked to. they don't try to stand up in them, so it's okay now. i'm scared to put them in the tub without the rings, but i probably will in the next few months. guess i have to teach them eventually!
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  • We used the bath seats for a while until they started trying to climb out of them.  If DH is home, we bath them together.  If I'm solo, then I bathe them one at a time.  It's too dangerous for me to do both by myself because they are always trying to crawl around or try to stand up.  We did put a bathmat in the tub to try to avoid slips.
  • We started bathing them together in the grown up tub around 9 months - but for several months after that, if I was bathing them alone, I'd do one at a time b/c I felt it was safer.  By about 12-13 months, I felt better about bathing them together on my own and that's how we've done it ever since.
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  • We bath them separately.

    I started to bath them in the big bath once they were able to sit up on their own.

    When DH is not home we have created a 'safe' room that is gated and babyproofed where they can play with their toys without having my direct attention to them. So i can bath one and leave the other in the safe room.

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  • It is a two person job, but we put all 3 in the big tub, no rings. They do okay, but they do like to stand, once i start to wash them up.
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