3rd Trimester

I would like for everyone to get up and

do some sort of "progress dance" for me right now.  I have an appointment at 11:45 and would like to be at least 4 cm and more than 60% effaced.

Wish me luck.

Re: I would like for everyone to get up and

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    Better yet, I'm going to build my own prayer closet for you  Wink  In all seriousness, I really wish you progress, I know you've been very uncomfortable this past week.  good luck!
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    Keegan Patrick - Bilateral Clubfeet found at Anatomy Scan. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker www.facebook.com/portraitave

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    Seeing as your due after me, this would be a very self-less thing I'm doing for you.  But, since I'm in a fairly decent mood this morning, you got it...

    ::Commences progress dance::

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    I have problems getting up, let alone dancing...

    Can I do it in my head?

    That is unacceptable. Stick out tongue

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    I'm imagining myself getting up to dance...does that count? ;-)  But seriously, I hope it goes well and you get good news.  Let us know!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Seeing as your due after me, this would be a very self-less thing I'm doing for you.  But, since I'm in a fairly decent mood this morning, you got it...

    ::Commences progress dance::

    This dance is for you too.  lol

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    I am doing a progress dance for you on my excercise ball!  My doula said to sit on it and rock my hips as much as possible to get this baby's head settled in my pelvis.
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    I'm actually thinking that this is the dance I need to be doing.  The squatting combined with the shaking may dance the baby out.

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    Good luck!!

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    I'm actually thinking that this is the dance I need to be doing.  The squatting combined with the shaking may dance the baby out.

    VIP!  VIP!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Keegan Patrick - Bilateral Clubfeet found at Anatomy Scan. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker www.facebook.com/portraitave

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    I'm actually thinking that this is the dance I need to be doing.  The squatting combined with the shaking may dance the baby out.

    VIP!  VIP!

    I wouldn't want to embarass myself.  I will either pee myself or fart really loud when I attempt this dance.  I don't need evidence of that humiliation.

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    I am alone at my store this mroning, so how about a slow jam to Rod Stewart's greatest hits :) GL!
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