Trying to Get Pregnant

TTGP w/o Jan 20

**The questions posted here will be pretty generic, so feel free to add other questions/info that are pertinent or delete what isn't. Please err on the side of caution and use trigger warnings/spoilers for topics that may be sensitive for other users.**     

WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.):



How are things going? Any questions?:


Re: TTGP w/o Jan 20

  • WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): BD 


    Timing/CS: apparently not very good. 😅

    How are things going? Any questions?: I’m waiting for my period now. I hope it doesn’t come for a few days so I know my LP is still long enough. My hormones have been all messed up from this cycle and I will be very upset if it affects my LP. It’s been 12 days and I’m 9 days post shift. 

    R/R: it snowed several inches last night and it’s already melted into ice. This has been the worst winter. We had friends over last night and they wrecked sliding into a pole leaving because our road is nothing but a sheet of ice. I’m sliding all over even in 4WD. The silver lining of not getting a BFP is that I can still cross country ski. I can’t even do that in this weather so I’m really annoyed. I have basically been learning on ice as it is but the snow is so melted at this point you can’t go out at all. 
  • WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): TI


    Timing/CS: 0 or -1, depending on actual ovulation timing

    How are things going? Any questions?: Took a test and it was negative, so pretty sure I'm just waiting on Aunt Flo now. Ugh. 

    R/R: Rant: If it were just up to me we'd be back at the fertility clinic already getting help. But spouse doesn't want to get all stressed out with medical intervention again. Like, dude, I had to do all the appointments and testing and everything. All he did was go in a cup. 🙄 I guess he gets stressed at me going through stressful things? Which is nice that he cares about me but also, really? 😂
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  • I was thinking since we have more people now and everyone is posting throughout the week, it might make sense to do more than just one weekly thread. Maybe one on Mondays and one on Thursdays for everyone to give midweek updates? Thoughts?

    WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): BD and waiting to enter matching for embryo adoption


    Timing/CS: Idk what’s going on with my body or when I will ovulate so not worried about timing right now

    How are things going? Any questions?: We submitted our paperwork to enter rematching so now just waiting to hear back. We have to do a video call to go over if our preferences have changed and they haven’t scheduled that for us yet. 

    R/R: I’m glad this arctic blast is happening over a long weekend so I don’t have to go outside too much. Also we have feral cats in the neighborhood so I’m hoping the cat houses we have out for them keep them warm enough!
  • @ferret22 I hope you and your husband are able to get on the same page again. Would you have to do all the testing again if you go to the fertility clinic? Sometimes you don’t have to do quite as much if you’ve done it all recently enough 
  • @emeraldcity603 sorry for another BFN today 😔

    @britters314 I like the idea of a mid-week check-in 👍

    WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.):  Femara/cocktail/TI cycle


    Timing/CS: in the window 🫶

    How are things going? Any questions?:  US today showed two dominant follies on the left ~17mm & ~19mm and good lining thickness but sounds like another day or two before O.  Waiting for my estradiol to come back and for my provider here to send results to the doctor in NYC and then we’ll see what next steps will be.

    R/R:  Has anyone else done Femara and had nausea the week after?  I don’t remember this from the last time we used it.  Or maybe it’s the sinus/cough crud messing with taste.

    Also why are all of my old neighbors in Florida getting snow and we get nothing? 🤣
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • @britters314 Maybe we could start a random thread too for chitchat. I’m pretty active and I get bored when no one is posting. 😅 I hope everything goes well with your interview and the process is smooth. 

    @ferret22 If we’re you I would push for the medicated cycles. If you already had to do that once and you have already tried a few times this time around with no success, there is no sense in waiting. Get the show on the road! 

    @virginiaham I’m trying really hard to not be emotional about my BFN but I am moody because of it. I was hoping to avoid all the emotions. Florida is taking all of our snow and I’m not happy about it. We got 2 inches last night and it melted to ice by morning. 

  • WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): BD

    WTO/TWW: Should be O'ing like today 

    Timing/CS: pretty good. 

    How are things going? Any questions?: it's going fine. Just waiting it out 

    R/R: Don't mind me I'm busy reading Onyx Storm..

    Also my friends have been so awkward since I miscarried and I'm just like. Go away friends.
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transferred 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET - cancelled
    Dec 2022 - Vasectomy reversal
    June 2023 - DH diagnosed with Brain Tumor - TTC put on indefinite hold
    January 2025 - Surprise BFP! Due 9/13/2025 - CP
    January 2025 - Trying Again

  • @mambo5-2 I’m sorry your friends have been awkward. That’s really unfortunate. You would expect to be able to gain some support from close friends especially if you felt comfortable sharing with them. 
  • @emeraldcity603 I would like some snow but no, we get this -25 degree weather but no snow. Rude. 

    @ferret22 men are so weird about fertility stuff, like you don't have transvaginal ultrasounds so stop complaining. 

    @virginiaham fertility meds are so weird. I used clomid twice and the clomid rage was real! 

    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transferred 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET - cancelled
    Dec 2022 - Vasectomy reversal
    June 2023 - DH diagnosed with Brain Tumor - TTC put on indefinite hold
    January 2025 - Surprise BFP! Due 9/13/2025 - CP
    January 2025 - Trying Again

  • @mambo5-2 Ahhh my husband pre-ordered Onyx Storm, but it won’t be delivered until Thursday :( 
  • @emeraldcity603 It's wild to me how much I can love snow but hate ice. It's truly the worst.
    @ferret22 My husband has a similar response to my going through the appointments, injections, etc of IVF. He feels so bad for me! Which I do appreciate it. But when we were trying to decide whether to proceed with IVF I basically framed it as, look, all the medical stuff is stressful, but SO IS trying month after month after month without success. I think one of the underreported benefits of fertility clinics is that all the decision-making is off my shoulders, which is actually a huge stress relief. I'm just here to follow orders. If you feel similarly, perhaps this is a way to frame things for your husband to help him come around?
    @britters314 FX your body finds its way back to baseline soon. I know it's been a wonky couple of cycles now. I'm open to anything on the board. Biweekly updates could work well. It also seems like a number of the current participants could go for threads like TTCAL or TFAS if you're just worried we're ending up with too many posts per thread. (But I'm not volunteering to come up with GTKY questions for those, lol)
    @virginiaham I seem to get bad headaches with letrozole, but can't say I remember any nausea. Yay for those dominant follicles, it sounds like you're in great shape! With two leads your estrogen should bounce back nicely; mine always takes a few days to recover after stopping the letrozole. Do they have you on ganirelix or cetrotide to hold ovulation until you're ready?

    WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): FET

    WTO/TWW: TWW, technically

    Timing/CS: N/A

    How are things going? Any questions?: Pre-transfer progesterone blood test just posted at 17.83 ng/mL so we should be a go to transfer on Thursday!! Just waiting for the official all clear from the clinic.

    Question: Does anybody else have a stair-step BBT increase post-O, instead of it just jumping up? Mine tends to increase steadily by 0.2-0.3 degrees F per day for 4-5 days. The final temp shift is in the appropriate range and I'm pretty sure I remember reading in TCOYF that a stair-step pattern is seen in some women and totally normal? 
    But I wonder/worry if that signals a slower-than-normal rise in progesterone that could be preventing my lining from prepping properly for implantation. (Of course, my clinic has never said a word about this so I should probably do what I told @ferret22 I do and just let them handle things and not fret :D)

  • @aisleofviewtwo I remember reading that temp rise can be slower after a trigger shot than it is with a natural ovulation. I know that happened for me on one of my transfer cycles and they had said my lining looked perfect, so I wouldn’t worry that it means anything.
  • @aisleviewoftwo just letrozole…it sounds like we aren’t even triggering, just doing TI and natural ovulation.  My estradiol was 195 right after the US so I think that’s good??  But crickets in the OPK department…it’s CD13, hopefully really soon!
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): BD/TI


    Timing/CS: Right now I'm just trying the BD every few days because I'm not entirely sure what's going on this cycle. 

    How are things going? Any questions?: well, my cycle is still being wonky apparently because my period is 2 days later than expected. Its been very consistent for the last year but I've gotten 2 BFN's, so I'm just waiting it out. But also, like @em@emeraldcity603 I'm paranoid about perimenopause 😅

    R/R: we had my son's 5th birthday party and it was firetruck themed. It turned out really well and we all had a great time! 
  • @emeraldcity603 ugh, what's up with the wonky cycles? I've also had a 12 day LP for the last 6 months or so which also has me paranoid that it's too short but everything I've read days while it's in the shorter end, it's still normal and not considered short unless it's 11 days or less.

    @ferret22 I'm sorry to hear your spouse isn't on board with going to the fertility clinic. I finally got my husband on board but I'm dreading actually going. I think I'm just scared of being told there's no hope for me. I know it's irrational but there you have it. 

    @britters314 good luck with your rematch! I hope your neighborhood feral cats will stay warm. Also, I like the idea of more threads throughout the week now that there are more people. 

    @virginiaham sounds like a good window! Lots of luck!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    @mambo5-2 what is Onyx Storm about? Sorry your friends are being weird. I guess some people just don't do well with sadness. Thank goodness for boards like this to find people who understand ❤️

    @aisleofviewtwo good luck with your transfer!! I'm excited to hear how it goes! I still need to get a battery for my BBT to try teaching again this month so I don't have recent data to share/ compare. 
  • Come on body I’m running out of OPKs 😂🙃
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • @aisleofviewtwo that’s a slow rise and normal. If your temps are getting into the appropriate range I wouldn’t worry too much. 

    @peppyj9 The thing that worries me the most about perimenopause/menopause is what it will do to my sex drive. 😅 Will I live in a perpetual state of LP type hormones that kill my drive? It’s a scary reality if that’s the case. I hope you get good timing since you’re going every few days. 

    As for me, I started my period today. My LP is 1 day shorter than it’s been. I guess I’m not surprised and at least it’s still within a range that will allow implantation. Day 1 and 2 are so brutal I’m glad I have no plans and I can just relax on my couch and not be standing on my feet. 
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