We are excited to welcome our baby boy any day now. And we really can’t wait to introduce you all to him. As new parents to be, we do have a few wishes for after baby is born.
No hospital visitors. After baby arrives and mom & baby are comfortable, we will send out a notice of arrival and hopefully some beautiful pictures.
No unexpected visits. When we get home we may not be up to visitors right away. Let us tell you when we are ready. It is important for us to be able to rest so we can settle into our new roles as parents. Once we are settled and ready everyone will be able to meet him, but we will let you know when that time comes.
Short visits. We have a lot of family waiting to meet him and we want everyone to get a chance, but having a lot of people over for extended periods of time in our small home can be very overwhelming.
You might not be able to hold the baby. New babies sleep and eat and that’s pretty much it for the first few weeks. Depending on the situation baby might be happier with mom or dad.
If you are or have been sick or around someone sick do not come over.
Do not kiss the baby, anywhere. Kisses are for mom and dad only.
We are not hand sanitizer people. Soap and water are more effective than hand sanitizers, so feel free to wash your hands if that makes you comfortable.
Keep in mind the baby is coming during Cold/Flu/RSV season. RSV shows differently in adults than it does infants and we do not want to risk anything during his first months of life especially while sick season is high.
Thank you for understanding. 🩵”
Again we sent it to both sides. But for whatever reason my side thinks it only for them and my husband side thinks it’s only for them. They think we are picking and choosing certain sides or people. Which is not the case and we have told them that. We have gotten a lot of
“This is ridiculous.”
“I won’t kiss the baby on the mouth but I’m definitely kissing my grandbaby.”
“Why would I visit if I can’t even hold him.”
“Can’t you meet us somewhere, you live far away, it’s easier if you come to us.”
“I wanted to bring you food to the hospital and now you’re saying I can’t go.”
“I think we deserve to see our first grandchild, that’s my DNA.”
We aren’t trying to keep our son hidden from people we just want time and space to fall into our new roles. I don’t know how labor will go yet and I want time to recover and feel better.
I tried to explain that our hospital has a new policy that if everything goes smoothly you can leave after 6 hours and a doc/nurse will go to you for your 24hr+ check ups. I personally don’t like hostpital and I’m hoping that we will be able to go home and feel more comfortable in our own space, so why try to rush people to the hostpital in a 6hr window, if we can comfortably have people to our home later. And some people actually responded “Well if it goes bad we can come meet the baby then.” like I’m sorry no. If it goes bad then I really don’t want a bunch of people at the hospital.
I guess I don’t understand why it is so hard for people to understand where we our coming from. And how now some people aren’t even talking to us. You wanna have a close relationship to our child but weeks before his arrival you aren’t gonna talk to us anymore.
Pregnancy already makes me emotional but this isn’t helping. I’m so excited for our baby to be here but I keep thinking of these things in the back of my mind. I don’t want the first meeting of our baby to be stressful because I’m worried about pleasing or disappointing our families.